Giovanni Martini wrote:

"house cocktails are RMB 40" (unquote)

Hints From Heloise #629: "Get like totally s***faced falling down wasted on 20 kuai/liter erguotou at home. Then drink water with your buds at the bar. If you do this, you should have beaucoup cash left over to take home the two tarts of your choice!"

"Get like totally s***faced falling down wasted on 20 kuai/liter erguotou at home.

My former MO was to rent a hotel near the happening bar and slip back now and again to fill up my plastic cup with cheap booze until I found someone to take back to said hotel room. Cheap date. Yes I was.


xz576 wrote:

We can search online to find that the carbon dioxide emission for a liter of gasoline is about 2.3 kilograms. We then divide 414 kilograms by 2.3 to find that 180 liters of gas would have had to be burned to emit 414 kilograms of carbon dioxide. We divide 180 liters by 9 tanks of gas to find that the author is assuming an average gas tank size of 20 liters, which is actually about half the normal size (a little over 5 gallons - what car has that small of a tank?).

Likewise, we divide 14000 kilograms by 2.3 to find that approximately 6087 liters of gas would have had to be burned to emit 14000 kilograms of carbon dioxide. We divide this by 31 tanks of gas to find that the author is now assuming that the average tank size is 196 liters (over 50 gallons).

From this we can see that the author bought a new SUV during the calculation process, and his idea of a normal gas tank increased 10x. (Or he missed a zero in his calculations... and the Beijinger desperately needs to hire an editor...)

By God, you're right! We've corrected this error. Guess we'll chalk it up to our office's broken coffee machine. Luckily our faithful commenters are here to do the math and provide free hiring consultation!

We can search online to find that the carbon dioxide emission for a liter of gasoline is about 2.3 kilograms. We then divide 414 kilograms by 2.3 to find that 180 liters of gas would have had to be burned to emit 414 kilograms of carbon dioxide. We divide 180 liters by 9 tanks of gas to find that the author is assuming an average gas tank size of 20 liters, which is actually about half the normal size (a little over 5 gallons - what car has that small of a tank?).

Likewise, we divide 14000 kilograms by 2.3 to find that approximately 6087 liters of gas would have had to be burned to emit 14000 kilograms of carbon dioxide. We divide this by 31 tanks of gas to find that the author is now assuming that the average tank size is 196 liters (over 50 gallons).

From this we can see that the author bought a new SUV during the calculation process, and his idea of a normal gas tank increased 10x. (Or he missed a zero in his calculations... and the Beijinger desperately needs to hire an editor...)

Giovanni Martini wrote:

I watch athletics for display of excellence. Unless the guy from Ghana has a reasonable shot at winning, he's off the radar. Or do the Olympics now give medals for "human interest"? ((Whatever that is.)

Or do the Olympics now give medals for "human interest"?

They're called 'participation trophies'.
