Here's How You Can Volunteer as a Covid Test Sample Taker
If you are living in Beijing, chances are you are probably used to seeing a dabai holding a nucleic acid testing flowchart in their hands, standing out among one of these covid sampling test centers to give people tests. But have you thought about becoming one of them to combat covid alongside your local counterparts? Well, the good news is, starting on May 25, Beijing is recruiting sampling volunteers, and you too, can be one of them!
But how can you register? Here’s a how-to guide.
Step 1 : Long press the QR code to enter the mini-program called 志愿北京 Zhìyuàn běijīng
Step 2: Click on 个人注册 Gèrén zhùcè to fill out your info.
Once you are done, you'll receive a notification saying your info has been successfully submitted and that it will take two days to verify your info. After verification is complete, you will get a unified registration number as a volunteer.
Step 3. Click on 北京市核酸采样志愿者招募项目 Běijīng shì hésuān cǎiyàng zhìyuàn zhě zhāomù xiàngmù.
Step 4. It will take you to the page where you can choose the district closest to you.
Step 5 Click on 我要报名 Wǒ yào bàomíng.The deadline is Dec 31. Click on 免登录快捷报名 Miǎn dēnglù kuàijié bàomíng.
Then choose your position, input your passport info, hit 确定 Quèdìng, and you’re all set!
Note: The Chinese Medical Association Beijing Branch will review all applications. Volunteers that have been selected need to go through professional training before they are able to work. You will be assigned to a testing site that's close to where you live.
Read: Don't Drink Water Before a Covid Test, and Other Covid-Related Myths
Images: Irene Li
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Submitted by Guest on Thu, 05/26/2022 - 22:30 Permalink
Re: Here's How You Can Volunteer as a Covid Test Sample Taker
aaTheIt'd make better sense to hire people who have lost their jobs due to the pestilence.
Camus wrote `The Plague' about a situation that really existed. not faux. The current plague is faux to the max, thanks CNN and etc.,
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