Mandarin Monday: Previously on "The White House" and Say Hello To the New Cast

Katy Perry's "Firework" may still be ringing in your ears, but the inauguration is already last week's news. Yet, the ongoing protests and debates both online and offline across the States, and the claim “We will be back in some form” Trump dropped in his resignation speech, seem to suggest that this four-year-long political drama may just have a sequel brewing. Before the new season hits the airwaves, we collected a few key words and phrases to remind you of the previous stories and help you get to know the White House's new cast better.

President 总统 zǒngtǒng, as in "Not my president" 不是我的总统 bùshì wǒ de zǒngtǒng

Joe Biden 乔·拜登 qiáo bàidēng

Kamala Harris 卡玛拉·哈里斯 kǎ mǎ lā·hālǐ sī

Madame Vice President 副总统女士 fù zǒngtǒng nǚshì

Inauguration 就职典礼 jiùzhí diǎnlǐ

Capitol 国会大厦 guóhuì dàshà

Racism / Racist 种族主义 / 种族主义者 zhǒngzú zhǔyì / zhǒngzú zhǔyì zhě

Patriotism / Patriot 爱国主义 / 爱国主义者 àiguó zhǔyì / àiguó zhǔyì zhě

Right-wing 右派 yòupài 

Left-wing 左派 zuǒpài 

Executive Action 行政命令 xíngzhèng mìnglìng

Second Gentleman 第二先生 dì èr xiānshēng

Aviators (Biden's signature sunglasses) 飞行员眼镜  fēixíngyuán yǎnjìng

Wear pearls 戴珍珠 dài zhēnzhū

No Malarkey 不说大话 bù shuō dàhuà

Gaffe 出糗 chū qiǔ

Corn pop (as in, a bad dude) 玉米花(坏家伙)yùmǐ bàng (huài jiāhuo)

Unity 团结 tuánjié

Sexual predator/pervert 变态 biàntài

Creep (lit. creepy uncle) 怪蜀黍 guài shǔshú

Trump (British English: a fart, to fart) 放屁 fàngpì

Protest 抗议 kàngyì

Riot 暴动 bàodòng

Conspiracy theory 阴谋论 yīnmóulùn

Swing states 摇摆州 yáobǎi zhōu 

Systematic electoral fraud 系统性选举舞弊 xìtǒng xìng xuǎnjǔ wǔbì

Electoral college 总统选举团 zǒngtǒng xuǎnjǔtuán

Popular vote 普选 pǔxuǎn

Campaign slogan 竞选口号 jìngxuǎn kǒuhào

And finally, some phrases to toss about:

A battle for the soul of our nation 为国魂而战 wèi guó hún ér zhàn

Would you shut up, man? 您能闭嘴么?nín néng bì zuǐ me?

Read: Beijing Pops: Break up, Surrogacy, Abandonment… Chinese Actress Condemned for Leaving Children

Images: Alex Wong, Getty Image, Reddit, Knowyourmeme, Town & Country Magazine