Kipp's Picks: RP Boo, Helm, Mark Dwinell, Cooking Class, Syndicate, and Neon Zoo

It’s shaping up to be another beat-heavy weekend in the capital, with plenty of opportunities to let your freak flag fly high. Join the masses in celebrating your leisure time, drink in hand, dancing to bone-rattling tunes at one of these decadent dance floors, showcasing some superb DJ talents.

Apr 7: Antidote x Pangbianr Presents RP Boo (Chicago), Helm (UK), M. Dwinell (NYC)
A huge gig for Dada as a footwork legend and a couple of experimental synthesists from Europe and America all converge to provide an evening straight out of a William Gibson novel, filled with blistering fast-funk and beat-driven electronic noise textures. This will be a radical mix of styles, coming from RP Boo, Helm, and M. Dwinell, all considered to be at the cutting edge of their respective genres. RMB 50. 10pm. Dada

Apr 8: Cooking Class 3
Witness DJ Chefs Kitchen Chen, Rhom Omit, and Crystal Bones whip up a tasty feast of hot beats for Sanlitun's dance-hungry this Friday. If you haven’t checked out Tang yet, it is a lounge and club space doing great things for Courtyard 4 with their delicious drinks and dance nights. Make sure to check out this bountiful feast of sweet and savory house, disco, and techno – hot enough to fry an egg. Free. 10pm. Tang

Apr 8: Neon Zoo
Dayglow your brains with these heads of saccharine big-room techno at Lantern this Friday. You can expect everything from face and body painting, decorations, and state-of-the-art UV lighting to put you in an animalistic rage on this subterranean dance floor. The lineup for the evening includes DJs El Mar, Eric Lee, Mike Hotten, and Danny Flora. RMB 50. 10pm. Lantern

Apr 9: The Syndicate VS Phreaktion Weekend of Bass
The Syndicate brings their Shanghai counterparts, Phreaktion, up from down south to battle it out in an all-night drum and bass showdown filled with enough low end to make all of you wobble-loving boys and girls melt to the floor in aural bliss. Expect a full crew of Beijing favorites, including Clir, Kay C, Blackie, and Donkey Tonk, along with Shanghai’s Siesta and Arkaik. RMB 40. 10pm. Dada

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Photos from the organizers,