Donate: Expat in Need After Being Hospitalized with Spine Injury

American expat, Jeremiah Gage has been hospitalized 11 days and counting after taking a fall off the Huangyaguan Great Wall in the early hours of Monday, June 22. Gage, 35, was attending the much anticipated two-day Yin Yang Music Festival when he slipped off an unlit portion of the wall and fell an estimated three or four meters (about 12-15 feet), landing squarely on a small boulder and fracturing his spine.

Gage, who is uninsured, was taken in an ambulance to three local hospitals but was turned away at each as they did not have beds available. He was finally admitted to Beijing Shuili Hospital located in West Beijing where tests revealed a severe fracture to his number 12 vertebra with a small portion of the vertebra pushing against his spinal cord. His doctors feared paralysis was a possibility and Gage underwent surgery. Titanium rods were inserted into his spine, which according to his doctors “will allow the broken bone tissue to heal.” Although Gage’s operation was successful, another surgery will be necessary in a year and a half to remove the rods. 

With a long road to recovery ahead of him, Gage faces a host of other issues, namely financial. The Connecticut native says he sends the majority of his salary home each month to pay off student loan and credit card debt. Further complicating matters, Gage likely won’t be able to return to work for another three months once he’s released from the hospital and will need to wear a special back brace to keep his spine straight. Friends of Gage’s quickly set up a crowdsourcing page on to assist in paying for his mounting medical expenses and to help get his mom to Beijing. Gage’s medical expenses currently total more than RMB 50,000, though to date friends of Gage have raised over USD 3,500 (about RMB 21,400). Additional donations from the company where Gage is employed as an English teacher saw another RMB 11,000 fundraised; an amount which that will cover more than half of medical expenses incurred so far. If you would like to make a contribution to help Gage, click here

Friends describe Gage as “active and adventurous,” listing various sports and dancing among his favorite activities. “Jera is an incredibly kind and generous human being that has always been there for his loved ones. The news that he may never be able to get on a mountain bike, surfboard, or even a dancefloor again, is of course devastating. Our hearts are heavy, but we are keeping faith and praying that Jera will make a 100 percent recovery,” his crowd sourcing page reads. 

Situations like this should serve as a reminder to foreigners living in the capital to be cautious and aware of your surroundings at all times and to always have health insurance, even when traveling for a short time. If your company doesn’t offer health insurance, brokers such as Abacare Group or Pacific Prime can help expats find health plans that suit their needs. 

Despite his current position, Gage remains optimistic and considers himself lucky to be alive. “If I had landed just a little differently, I might never be able to walk again. It’s nothing short of a miracle,” he says. 



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Lolol. I find this Hilarious. As if this tiny blog has had any effect on the donations. I have lived all over the US, and have made friends in the four corners because of my character and outgoing spirit and personality . No donations have come from here or from strangers. (except for maybe an anonymous one or 2 and I thank you). They've come from friends and people’s lives I've touched. And in crazy generosity they've given back to me in the form of money. And I've privately and publically thanked them all through my private face book account ..... not to mention Their names are right there DUH... I recognized them all . Friends from High school I barely even talked to. Friends of my mom's church I've never even met. Best friends I'll cherish and know the rest of my life.... And I'm so deeply thankful. I am in fact in debt 50,000 RMB and I am out of work for 90 days no pay. and Oh yeah... have been EXCRUCIATING pain and am still in pain daily alone on my couch. But I press and on cause I will NOT be crippled!! I will mountain bike and surf again. (my personal passionate hobbies) I will dance at my wedding someday not wheel. I will hug and play with the kids I'm so fortunate to work with. Which BTW freaking LOVE Teacher Blue. I've been flooded with handmade cards. I literally cried when I found out the Chinese staff donated with-in a day of the accident with out anyone asking them too. Yes Grown man tears of thankfulness and joy, but pretty much looked like a little girl. Lol. I am thankful for the outpouring of love of my friends in the US, my small circle of friends here. My girlfriend who I love. And the rest of these allegations, I say a ..... hahaha... no comment. I know that will eat them up in side, but You don't know me and don't presume you do. Not gonna stoop to levels beneath me. get a life man. Thanks to all you cool peeps above. Keep blogging if you want it's hilarious and entertaining.

emc2 wrote:
Skateboard, I'm not accusing Mr.Gage of anything. I am simply revealing the truth about who he really is. Mr. Gage is asking others to donate to his cause. I, therefore, have a right to have reveal information about Mr. Gage to help others make a more informed decision about donating or not donating to his cause. Do I not?

Yes, I'd agree, and you may very well be right--but in re-reading your comments, I can find no specific information beyond what the article said. From what I've read, your statements are all mere restatements of the article's details, with an expanded interpretation. If you're claiming to reveal truth, then a few journalistic principles need to be applied: Were you present at the event in question? Did you see Mr. Gage buying alcohol? Did you observe him staggering drunk or even tipsy? Have you been to visit Mr. Gage in person recently to see what he is up to? Have you inquired personally into his use of finances? Have you watched his flat to see how many young ladies are coming and going, and how many cases of beer are being consumed?

If you're going to talk truth... Truth doesn't hide behind the "I know what kind of person Mr. Gage is" comments. Truth will present concrete evidence. If you can convince your audience with specific facts, I think you'll find a lot more people will be on "your side", if sides there must be.

emc2 wrote:
Mr. Gage is trying to deceive people about who he is. I am simply trying to bring out the whole truth, since Mr. Gage has not been willing to do this.

You may be right. But emc2, you may not realize that by continuing these comments, it looks like you have inadvertently restarted the donations page. There were no donations on the gofundme page until you re-started your harsh comments. Now the donations are trickling in again. If you truly want to stop donations to Mr. Gage, the best method would be to stay quiet and allow people to forget. This article is currently top on the Most-Viewed list--it's human nature is to jump on the newest bandwagon and support the underdog.... I bet if you stop commenting, this whole thing will soon drop out of sight and no one will remember Jeremiah Gage a week from now.

Just my two cents.

Doubt wisely; in strange way / To stand inquiring right is not to stray; / To sleep, or run wrong, is. (Donne, Satire III)

I just cannot resist adding one more tidbit about Mr. Gage. Well...this is really a word of caution to all those of the general population which is made up of mostly naive people that throw an RMB into any hand that is put in front of them; which by the way, is the target group for Mr. Gage's begging.

It is a fact that Mr. Gage has shown that he is incompetent and irresponsible with his finances. Has anyone bothered to question Mr. Gage about how much he is spending on booze and women. For someone in so much debt , he certainly seems to be enjoying high-end entertainment venues. I might add that alcohol and food is usually not cheap at such events. What about his dating life? I'm not even going to venture to guess how much Mr. Gage has spent on entertaining his girlfriends.

What guarantee does anyone have that Mr. Gage will use all this donated money for the purposes he has stated? That's right. NONE! I am more inclined to believe he will squander it on more entertainment. He does not know how to handle his money wisely. Maybe being a cripple will give him incentive and time to learn.

Keep this in mind all you soft hearts as you pour your money into Mr. Gage's bank account.

How's that cold beer feeling on such a hot day Mr. Gage? Don't. Worry, you still have most people fooled.

Skateboard. I m not accusing Mr.Gage of anything. I am simply revealing the truth about who he really is. Mr. Gage is asking others to donate to his cause. I, therefore , have a right to have reveal information about Mr. Gage to help others make a more informed decision about donating or not donating to his cause. Do I not?

Mr. Gage is trying to deceive people about who he is. I am simply trying to bring out the whole truth, since Mr. Gage has not been willing to do this.

There are so many people that are in need and that are much worse off than he is. These people are in bad situations through no fault of their own. Mr. Gage's problems are the result of his own stupidity. He is asking people to donate their hard earned money to him as if he is some victim of a tragedy that was out of his control. This is called deception! I am simply foiling Mr. Gage's deception by exposing what Mr. Gage is trying to hide.

Did anyone ask Mr. Gage how much money he spent that night at the Wall? Booze at an event like that is usually not cheap. He bought enough to get drunk! Did anyone ask about how much he spends on his gfs every week when he is dating? Oh...Mr. Gage is so , so needy! He can spend loads of money entertaining himself, but when it comes time for real life, this loser has to beg from others.

I have a lot of money because I earned it and I am quite generous most of the time when I am made aware of someone that is really in need. But I have a special hatred for individuals like Mr. Gage because they intentionally try to deceive people into thinking they are victims of an unpreventable accident, when, in reality they are in their situation because of their own irresponsibility and stupidity.

Why does Mr. Gage deserve my money or anyone else's money over someone else. The answer is that he does not! I wonder what a mother sitting by the bedside of her 4 year old daughter dying from a treatable disease because she does not have enough money to pay for the care would think about Mr. Gage's pleas for donations . I m guessing her along with many others that are really in a bad situation through not fault of their own would laugh at such pleas.

Mr. Gage got what he deserved and he owes an apology to everyone that needs financial assistance because of circumstances that are out of there control! What Mr. Gage needs is to grow up and stop being an irresponsible ....cripple now. Hope he finally gets the message.

Emc2, Did this guy steal your women or something like that? Why all the hate..Even IF this guy sucks as much as you say he does.. Is a broken back and a lifetime of pain not a good enough payment?

You need to grow up a little. You are not saving "naive chinese girls" from him... Nobody cares if he is a good Christian..or even religious at all! Was he drunk?...Is he stupid for not having any money in a foreign country..Maybe...But, who are you to judge? Donate or dont donate.....Your kicking a guy when he is down is more morally suspect than anything you are accusing him of!


Mr. Gage. I also did not miss your subtle attempts to lure some girls into your arms. The "I love children." line is good, because, as you may already know , or will quickly learn at least, Chinese girls will kill for the chance to have a beautiful "mixed" baby. It gives them a sure road to raising their place in society to the highest level and a their ticket to a future life in America after this child turns 18 and can qualify to sponsor their stay there. You would be amazed by how many Chinese girls flock to you if they think they have this possibility. But...of guess is that you have discovered this already.

I v'e noticed you have tried your best to hide your failed marriage(s). You do not need to worry about hiding your divorce(s) or your kid(s). This does not deter a Chinese girl. One of the things you will learn about Chinese girls, especially if you are a white foreigner, is that you can abuse them, cheat on them , ignore them and they will still cling to you as if you were the last man on earth...even if you are a loser.

Now that you are a, you can really get by with your playboy lifestyle here in China. You can fill their heads with your sob stories and they will be like putty in your hands. point is stop trying to paint yourself as some moral saint. And stop thinking you can fool everyone into thinking you are so wonderful. Chinese people, especially Chinese girls, are extremely naive and you will break the heart of many once they discover your charade.

You are not fooling God.

Oh...a bit of the truth finally surfaces. Still sounds like you are trying to sugar coat your real condition on that night. You were so drunk that you even lost track of your phone. "I was more flustered because I could not find my phone..." your words, not mine.

Mr.Gage you claim to be a christian. Is this a claim made by you to squeeze more money out of others? Christians are instructed to refrain from being controlled by alcohol the last time that I checked( Ephesians 5 :18). Do not call yourself a christian if you are not practicing biblical principles of living. Getting drunk at a music festival is not the normal practice of christians. I will not even mention the biblical principles that oppose the other aspects of your life. Do not publicly claim to be a christian when your lifestyle makes this claim false.

If you were a christian that followed biblical principles you would not have ended up stumbling off the Wall in a drunken stupor. the stupid poster that said this could happen to are wrong! Incidents like this only happen to drunks wandering around the Wall .

You've been throwing he word 'loser' around a lot here, but it strikes me that you are the one posting endless comments on this page, judging and abusing a complete stranger for making life choices you don't agree with. You don't know this man, and yet feel it is acceptable to belittle him for not having money and being in debt. Also, you are being down right mean and basically bullying someone who is clearly in a difficult situation. Don't presume to know anything about anyone. Well done to you for being able to get a degree without going into debt - not everyone can do that, with costs being what they are, but it is unacceptable to consider yourself better than those who have been unable to afford to put themselves through university, myself included in that category. Many people come here because we can earn a lot more money here than our home countries and live a much more comfortable and adventurous life. Believe it or not, not all men move here to marry a 'Chinese hottie' (your comments about which seeming incredibly sexist and stereotyped, by the way), and they are not trying to escape debt or problems at home, but trying to create a better life for themselves. I'm sorry if your narrow view of what classes as an acceptable life choice doesn't deem this so. As for your comments about his drinking at a festival, it was a festival. Go figure. But it is wrong of you to label him 'a drunk', which I can only read as you implying he is an alcoholic. Do you think it is okay to label a person you have never met in such a way? Besides, him drinking at this event does not make this accident his fault. True, things like this are more likely to happen to us when we are under the influence of alcohol, but that doesn't mean we cannot still be aware and careful. Accidents can happen at any time, to anyone. I remember hearing about the guy who had an accident on his scooter driving home from Sanlitun in the early hours of the morning and thinking, 'he was obviously drinking'. We make these assumptions, that's fair enough, but I would never post comments like the ones you have, judging this guy for something I imagine to be true, when I don't know the facts and I don't know him. You clearly have had issues with expats in the past, and I feel sorry for the fact that you are clearly bitter about something and have no better outlet than to come on here and bully a complete stranger. I hope you manage to find something more fulfilling to go with your healthy bank account and bitter attitude.

That's me GAGE above! Read it please. Thanks Britomart. Emc2..... go get a life, If im the looser, don't you have anything better to do with your life then be on here? U know what I'm sorry. I won't say another negitave thing again. Not my style and I won't be like that.

Take care everybody. THANKS SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT..... Encouragment goes a long way. Thanks

emc2 wrote:
... the money starts rolling in.

The gofundme page has dried up. No contributions in the last four days.

emc2 wrote:
Like I said from the beginning, Mr. Gage got what he deserved.

Like I said from the beginning, let's hope there's a bit more compassion out there for you when life dishes out a few just desserts.

Doubt wisely; in strange way / To stand inquiring right is not to stray; / To sleep, or run wrong, is. (Donne, Satire III)

Wow. So interesting to read these comments good and bad alike. Here I am,YES ME. YUP. I am so thankful for the love shared to me by mostly my friends back in the U.S. Who donated, but also to those of you who care about me as a fellow expat here. I've in Beijing. Yes I am a teacher, I've been in business and banking (worked for HSBC) my whole life but was laid off and went back to school. I found I couldn't finish my accounting degree because I had to much debt when I heard about this opportunity here. This job as a teacher has been more fulfilling then any job I've ever had. I am celebrated by the children because I love them and hope to have some of my own when I get married some day. Haha... "Looser". Na Sayers say what u will. I just want to pay off my debt and get my accounting degree back home but am living adventure and content for time being. Yes I am a Christian. No I don't live a prefect life. Did I drink at the festival, who doesn't, I had earlier that day but I was by no means "drunk"or even impared, I was more flustered because I couldn't find my phone and was trying to hurry to a different stage to find my friend "who" had it and made a bad decision walking through an unlit area.. Accidents never make sence when they happen, they just happen. Should I have had travelers insurance...YES! Did I, no. Hindsight. My employer pays 2000 RMB towards medical bills.HAHA. China All my friends in Beijing rustled up the money lending it to me while I layed in a wooden box of a bed with possible exposed vertebrae or spinal cord. They said get the operation asap so u can walk again and figure the rest out later. Go to my Facebook page.see what kind of person I am before you judge UNLESS U HAVE SOMETHING BAD TO SAY, PLEASE SHOW RESPECT TO MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY. I love my life. I love people. I love children and I love adventure.. Thanks to you who stood up for me on here.It really desnn't bother me, water off my back..... ESPECIALLY this was the most excruciating pain of my life and being in a bed for 12 no 14 days where u don't understand everybody was difficult to say the least. I hope no one goes through this, even That guy above haha. just got home today and am confined to bed. We are working on bank info but want to be careful on here.

Who knows how he is doing. Losers like him go into hiding once he crafts his sob story and the money starts rolling in. He is probably busy enjoying the pleasures of his Chinese girlfriends as they bring him his beer and food.

Mr. Gage has no plans to go back to the US. Even if he wanted to, he does not have the means. Losers like this end up in China hoping to latch on to a Chinese girl that can help him stay here and enjoy an easy life.

It is fine...he stumbled off the wall in a drunken stupor. Drunks do stupid things like this. Like I said from the beginning, Mr. Gage got what he deserved. Mr. Gage , get your priorities in order and stop embarrassing responsible Americans living in China with your stupid and irresponsible behaviors.

I am sure Mr. Gage does not want the whole truth to get out about what really happened that night or about why he is really in so much debt. If too many people really know what happened....well...there goes the hopes of bilking a bunch naive readers out of their hard earned money. I 'm sure Mr. Gage is hoping that his dirty little secrets stay hidden long enough for the money to keep rolling in. Maybe he can even retire early.

But like I said, with all the Chinese hotties that are going to be willing willing to cater to his every need, maybe being a cripple is not such a bad deal.

Oh....and the PS pic of him (If that is really him) just brings tears to my eyes. I guess he really adores Chinese children and they really adore him. Oh it just gives me a warm tingly feeling all over. Mr. Gage is a true angel...a hero!

I really hate people like Mr. Gage that purposely try to deceive others by painting themselves as saints, when they are in reality much more of the opposite.

emc2 wrote:
Oh....and by the way hoo! My tears cannot stop flowing at the thoughts of Mr. Gage never being able to get on a mountain bike or surf board again. hoo! Oh no...say it isn't more dance moves on the dance floor for Mr. Gage! My god he should just jkill himself the first chance that he gets. Oh is so cruel. I really want to give my mountain bike and surf board a big hug now and tell them how much I love them and hope I never lose the joy of feeling them under me. Oh...cry ...cry....cry!

Do you know Mr. Gage?

Doubt wisely; in strange way / To stand inquiring right is not to stray; / To sleep, or run wrong, is. (Donne, Satire III)

Oh....and by the way hoo! My tears cannot stop flowing at the thoughts of Mr. Gage never being able to get on a mountain bike or surf board again. hoo! Oh no...say it isn't more dance moves on the dance floor for Mr. Gage! My god he should just jkill himself the first chance that he gets.

Oh is so cruel. I really want to give my mountain bike and surf board a big hug now and tell them how much I love them and hope I never lose the joy of feeling them under me. Oh...cry ...cry....cry!

Britomart . I ve been in China and around foreigners like this long enough to know how to read between the lines of stories like this. I m American by the way, and I know very well what the cost of higher education is in America. I have a graduate degree and I paid for every credit of it out of my own pocket without once going into debt.

I was mainly referring to this guys credit card debt. Anyone that is 35 years old and does not even have 50,000 RMB to his name to pay some medical expenses has probably squandered his money foolishly. Now this drunken idiot has to burden others because he is too irresponsible to manage his money.

This guy was drunk...ok. That is why he stumbled off the Wall. If by some small chance he was not drunk, his problems are were still created entirely by his own stupidity. Freak accidents such as being hit by a car, struck by an object falling from a building, or falling through a broken or missing manhole cover fall into the realm of things that happen through no fault of your own. Victims of these kinds of accidents deserve all our sympathy and assistance that we can give.

What happened to Mr. Gage was the result of stupidity on his part and he deserves no sympathy from anyone. He is, just as I have stated: a loser that got drunk and stumbled off the Wall.

Yeah...he may not be running from his college loans , but he is probably running from his alimony and child support that is draining him dry. I m guessing he came to China with hopes of scoring a quick marriage with a Chinese hottie. No doubt he was at this event to scope out some possibilities.

Mr. Gage is a down and out loser that has made his situation worse by his stupidity.

The silver lining in this for Mr. Gage is that Chinese girls really have a soft heart toward white foreigners that are bed-ridden. If he plays his cards right, he can have a truck load of hotties bringing him hot water and fruit right to his bedside.

Having a broken body may turn out be his best ticket to the new life he is chasing.

The article says the guy "slipped off an unlit portion of the wall and fell off 3-4 meters" when "attending the much anticipated two-day Yin Yang Music Festival." I think the hosts of the event are definitely liable to the accident. Did they set up signs to warn people to keep off from the dangerous areas? Did they buy some sort of collective insurance at all? Did they have an emergency plan in case there's a medical situation?

It comes to me as an either-or situation. Either the organizer didn't have any safety warning or emergency plan, so they are liable to the accident, or the guy got drunk or something and ignored completely whatever he was told, in which case he should be responsible for it.

Accidents are just foreseeable if you hold such an event in this dangerous section of great wall where people can slip off part of the wall for a few meters. Therefore the organizers are responsible for 1) setting up safety warnings and having emergency plan 2) insuring the participants collectively. If they didn't, get a good lawyer and bring a lawsuit and have them paid.

TBJ, any news as to whether Jeremiah has friends checking on him daily? Not sure if Jeremiah has been here long enough to have friends who are aware of the standard of care in Chinese hospitals, i.e. that Chinese hospitals assume patients will have friends/family taking care of their basic needs...

Doubt wisely; in strange way / To stand inquiring right is not to stray; / To sleep, or run wrong, is. (Donne, Satire III)

emc2 wrote:
No no ...this should serve as a reminder for idiots like Mr. GAGE to stay off the Great Wall when they decide to get drunk! Mr. Gage is obviously an irresponsible idiot that got exactly what he deserved.

Did the article state that he was drunk? I thought it said only that he was at the concert. Anyone who's been to the Great Wall knows that the Wall is not exactly the best, safest site for a concert with a few hundred/thousand people... One doesn't need alcohol to be pushed off the edge of the Great Wall by a crowd of clueless concert-goers.

emc2 wrote:
On top of this , he has to rely on others to foot the bill for him because he is too stupid to manage his money and stay out of debt. Seriously? This guy does not even have RMB 50, 000 ? Are you kidding me? He has a job and he has not even managed to keep RMB 50,000?

He's just out of school, from what I read in the article. Have you seen the cost of university in the States recently? It's insane. Kudos for the guy for trying to pay off his bills, rather than just skip the country and run to China to hide from his debts.

emc2 wrote:
This is a classic case of a loser coming to China living pay check to pay check because he likes to get drunk on the expensive booze at the bars and night clubs every chance he gets. What a loser! Maybe they should start selling souvenirs that say " I'm a clumsy drunk that fell off the Great Wall" instead of "I climbed the Great Wall" ...hilarious .....can't stop laughing.

Hmm ... Well, what can I say? emc2, I wish you may have a better response from your unknown fellow man if you are ever in need of a bit of kindness and compassion yourself... if you are ever hit by a car/bike/bus; if you fall in an unexpected hole walking down one of our Beijing sidewalks and shatter your ankle; if you are hit in the head by a bit of metal falling 20 stories from a Beijing construction project; if you, god forbid, should develop a rare unknown cancer from the food/air/unknown cause... All of these have happened to people I know personally or know of through acquaintances. None of these incidents was planned; none of the people involved ever expected the hospital bills and countless related expenses. May you find more compassion that you've extended to others, when life lands you with a swift kick in the ...

Doubt wisely; in strange way / To stand inquiring right is not to stray; / To sleep, or run wrong, is. (Donne, Satire III)

Unfortunately, there are many expats young and old, drunk and sober, male and female, rich and poor, who work in China for companies or schools who either do not provide them with insurance at all, or who misrepresent the type of insurance they have. I am surprised that your insensitive and inhumane post has been up on this website since 0742 in the morning and nobody has taken it down or responded to it. Hopefully people will help this guy with his recovery. Also, for those of you who do not have insurance or are unsure of what you have, get the information in writing now from your school's administrator or company's HR department. If they don't provide you with information to your satisfaction or are not providing you with insurance, you should really consider carefully whether it is worth the risk to work for them.


"Situations like this should serve as a reminder to foreigners living in the capital to be cautious and aware of your surroundings at all times and to always have health insurance,..."

No no ...this should serve as a reminder for idiots like Mr. GAGE to stay off the Great Wall when they decide to get drunk! Mr. Gage is obviously an irresponsible idiot that got exactly what he deserved.

"The Connecticut native says he sends the majority of his salary home each month to pay off student loan and credit card debt."

On top of this , he has to rely on others to foot the bill for him because he is too stupid to manage his money and stay out of debt. Seriously? This guy does not even have RMB 50, 000 ? Are you kidding me? He has a job and he has not even managed to keep RMB 50,000?

This is a classic case of a loser coming to China living pay check to pay check because he likes to get drunk on the expensive booze at the bars and night clubs every chance he gets. What a loser!

Maybe they should start selling souvenirs that say " I'm a clumsy drunk that fell off the Great Wall" instead of "I climbed the Great Wall" ...hilarious .....can't stop laughing.

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