The 2014 Airpocalypse, in Viral Images
Beijing's social media world is all abuzz about the air in Beijing. I guess we don't need to tell you guys about that, but we thought we'd call attention to some of the more riveting visuals that have blanketed the web like, well, Beijing's smog over the past day or so. Our list leads off with the brilliant "I (Smog) Beijing" graphic you see above made by Facebook user Antoine Lopez for the group Ismogbeijing.
Read on and weep (or laugh along) ... credit goes to the creators of these images, who we've linked to in both the photo links and the credits below:
"The Beijing Kiss" by Facebook user (and Heyrobics! pioneer) Linus Holmsater
This is the view from the 72nd floor China World Summit Wing hotel room of Instagram user dinading, taken this morning
Tiny tot fashion from Dr Richard St Cyr, who is spearheading a crowdsource-funded mass test of all brands of facemasks available in Beijing
A grim view of Beijing from Instagrammer mkultra00
Some helpful hints posted in the elevator by a caring Beijing property management department. Don't forget to wash the nose and eat more crude fiber!
Shanghaiist brought these images of mask-clad statuary at Beida to our attention that were making the rounds on Weibo
There's plenty more out there for those that are looking, but let's all pray the precipitation that is currently dampening Beijing this evening will knock some of that particulate matter out of the air and give us some relief. In the immortal words of Travis Bickle, "Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets ..."