Did Lindsay Lohan Lose a Laptop with Naughty Pictures in Beijing?
A strange story this morning from the "we couldn't make this up" file. Various news outlets are reporting that Mean Girls actress Lindsay Lohan, who was in China last week, lost a laptop loaded with naughty pictures while in Shanghai (one report said Beijing) and is offering an unspecified reward for its return. The article cites Lohan's Twitter feed as saying, "It was great to be in China and I want to thank everyone for their hospitality, however someone has stolen my computer at the airport..."
There's only one problem: that tweet doesn't exist, or if it did, it has since been removed. Nor does her Facebook profile mention it, nor does her official site. The Daily Mail indicates the tweet was posted, then taken down. So what happened? Was the laptop found, after Lohan reportedly said she would do "whatever it takes" to get back? Or is LiLo simply hoping that it won't be found, and that the NSFW photos and private correspondence with Lady Gaga and Woody Allen won't be revealed?
Whatever happens, if you find the laptop, please let us know first.
Photo: lindsaylohan.com.
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britomart Submitted by Guest on Fri, 01/10/2014 - 16:29 Permalink
Re: Did Lindsay Lohan Lose a Laptop with Naughty Pictures in...
I know this is probably just me... but it seems kind of silly for the author to have to defend himself in the comments. Just... If a reader likes the article, great. If a reader doesn't, great. That's what comments are for. If there's a problem with facts or language, then I can see the author responding. But responding to criticisms of newsworthiness--if you posted it, you considered it newsworthy. Let it stand. Don't be defensive. Just... leave it or delete it.
NoReservations Submitted by Guest on Fri, 01/10/2014 - 15:35 Permalink
Re: Did Lindsay Lohan Lose a Laptop with Naughty Pictures in...
Well I guess let's agree to disagree then! Good day sir.
Steven Schwankert Submitted by Guest on Fri, 01/10/2014 - 11:20 Permalink
Re: Did Lindsay Lohan Lose a Laptop with Naughty Pictures in...
Yawn. 925 views, and three comments from you alone. We post stories we think are interesting, different, and are well-reported, and they disappear with a only a few clicks. We will continue to offer coverage on a variety of Beijing and China-related topics, and our readers will decide what they like best.
NoReservations Submitted by Guest on Fri, 01/10/2014 - 11:05 Permalink
Re: Did Lindsay Lohan Lose a Laptop with Naughty Pictures in...
The main point is that if you didn't give these kind of articles of little significance to the people e.g. a "celebrity who lost a laptop", no one would notice or cry out of them in demand. You have a choice of what standards of jourmalism you hold. You control the quality and significance of what the people can read. Let's raise the bar
admin Submitted by Guest on Thu, 01/09/2014 - 17:17 Permalink
Re: Did Lindsay Lohan Lose a Laptop with Naughty Pictures in...
Looks like someone was fishing for some page views.
Give the people what they want, right?
703 reads and #9 of the Top 10 of the last seven days after a half a day
troublemaninbeijing Submitted by Guest on Thu, 01/09/2014 - 17:08 Permalink
Re: Did Lindsay Lohan Lose a Laptop with Naughty Pictures in...
Looks like someone was fishing for some page views.
NoReservations Submitted by Guest on Thu, 01/09/2014 - 13:04 Permalink
Re: Did Lindsay Lohan Lose a Laptop with Naughty Pictures in...
Whatever makes you feel like it is justified and necessary to write about Lindsay Lohan!
Designated Drinker Submitted by Guest on Thu, 01/09/2014 - 11:11 Permalink
Re: Did Lindsay Lohan Lose a Laptop with Naughty Pictures in...
Leave my Linlo alone...I love her and she loves me...
admin Submitted by Guest on Thu, 01/09/2014 - 09:21 Permalink
Re: Did Lindsay Lohan Lose a Laptop with Naughty Pictures in...
Is this news? Does anyone care what Lindsay Lohan is up to?
Frankly I'd rather read about Dennis Rodman, but he's doing his shtick in Pyongyang, not Beijing.
We're a Beijing site
We're about lifestyle/entertainment
Steven Schwankert Submitted by Guest on Thu, 01/09/2014 - 09:18 Permalink
Re: Did Lindsay Lohan Lose a Laptop with Naughty Pictures in...
It's a story about epistemology. Here, let me help you: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/epistemology
NoReservations Submitted by Guest on Thu, 01/09/2014 - 08:44 Permalink
Re: Did Lindsay Lohan Lose a Laptop with Naughty Pictures in...
Is this news? Does anyone care what Lindsay Lohan is up to?
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