Sweet Sixteen: The Beijinger Burger Cup First Round Results Are In, Second Round Voting Starts
Prepare to be shocked and amazed, as we reveal the results of The Beijinger Burger Cup's first round. There are now only 16 burgers left battling it out for the crown of the city's best burger and the survey for the second round is now live. You have until 4pm on Monday, Aug 15 to have your say. To find out the results so far and to vote in the second round, read on.
Round One Matchups - Winners in Bold
- The Box Vs.
Grandma's Kitchen - 1F Vs.
La Bamba - Scarlett Vs.
Hard Rock Cafe - The Den Vs.
Luga's Villa - Blue Frog Vs.
One East Paul's Steak and EggsVs. Let's Burger- Lush Vs.
Maison Boulud - Home Plate Bar-b-que Vs.
Flamme - Peter's Tex-Mex Vs.
Village Cafe Eudora StationVs. Chef Too- Union Bar & Grille Vs.
Burger King KioskVs. Rumi- Fatburger Vs.
Hollywood - Paddy O'Shea's Vs.
Burgers & Beer Lily'sVs. Vineyard Cafe- Stumble Inn Vs.
American Cafe
The Resounding Victories
- Blue Frog Vs. One East
- Fatburger Vs. Hollywood
The Epic Battles
- Home Plate Bar-b-que Vs. Flamme
- Peter's Tex-Mex Vs. Village Cafe
- Union Bar & Grille Vs. Burger King
- Kiosk Vs. Rumi
- Paddy O'Shea's Vs. Burgers & Beer
Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world's leading questionnaire tool.
If you want to fill in the The Beijinger Burger Cup Wallchart at home, click on the image for the larger version and then right-click to save the image.
About The Competition
We took the 12 winners of our Burger Wars series and seeded them so they could not meet another winner in Round One of The Beijinger Burger Cup. We then added the 12 losers and another eight wildcards into the mix to make an initial batch of 32 burgers. The first round will leave 16 burgers facing off against each other, then there will be eight remaining, then a semi-final before a final matchup sees you decide which is the best burger in town.
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Submitted by Guest on Thu, 03/15/2012 - 18:51 Permalink
Re: Sweet Sixteen: The Beijinger Burger Cup First Round ...
Overpriced, dry meat, bad service. Does not worth the 85 rmb per burger and its surely a paid advertisement.
FatBurger is WAY better.
Submitted by Guest on Mon, 08/15/2011 - 15:33 Permalink
Re: Sweet Sixteen: The Beijinger Burger Cup First Round ...
bad timing for this new burger joint, I think next year they can win. want a great burger, go try this place. Had an awesome burger from them last saturday and we all were trying hard to figure out how to eat it, as it is massive burger
Submitted by Guest on Mon, 08/15/2011 - 09:36 Permalink
Re: Sweet Sixteen: The Beijinger Burger Cup First Round ...
round of 16 closes at 4.
Quarterfinals begin at 5
Submitted by Guest on Sun, 08/14/2011 - 22:10 Permalink
Re: Sweet Sixteen: The Beijinger Burger Cup First Round ...
All races close, with less than 24 hours to go in the Round of 16:
Neck and neck:
Blue Frog vs Let's Burger
Scarlett vs Den
Vineyard vs Stumble Inn
Submitted by Guest on Sun, 08/14/2011 - 12:28 Permalink
Re: Sweet Sixteen: The Beijinger Burger Cup First Round ...
This was bound to come down to which demographic voted more, as opposed to an actual judgement of the quality of the food.
Indeed, much like a presidential election.
That's how voting works.
Unless the people who voted Maison are actually all professional food critics...I'd say Lush won fair and square.
Submitted by Guest on Sat, 08/13/2011 - 21:15 Permalink
Tough match: Let's Burger vs Blue Frog
Seems to me the toughest match in this round is Blue Frog and Let's Burger ...
Submitted by Guest on Fri, 08/12/2011 - 20:58 Permalink
Re: Sweet Sixteen: The Beijinger Burger Cup First Round ...
What voters prefer as a side to their burgers (in order of popularity):
1. French Fries (chips)
2. Salad
3. Onion Rings
4. Cole Slaw
5. Sweet Potato Fries
6. Potato Chips (crisps)
Submitted by Guest on Fri, 08/12/2011 - 20:01 Permalink
Re: Sweet Sixteen: The Beijinger Burger Cup First Round ...
Yes. Boulud in a walk.
I've never tried Boulud's but the mere idea of spending so much on a burger -- particularly one with goose liver in it -- yecch -- makes me prefer Lush in a heartbeat. Inexpensive and damn good. The only problem is it's way the hell out in WDK.
Now Lush vs Home Plate BBQ ... that's a tough one...
Submitted by Guest on Fri, 08/12/2011 - 12:39 Permalink
Re: Sweet Sixteen: The Beijinger Burger Cup First Round ...
Yes. Boulud in a walk.
Submitted by Guest on Thu, 08/11/2011 - 18:45 Permalink
Re: Sweet Sixteen: The Beijinger Burger Cup First Round ...
Have you lush critics actually tried it?
Submitted by Guest on Thu, 08/11/2011 - 15:49 Permalink
Re: Sweet Sixteen: The Beijinger Burger Cup First Round ...
The Maison Boulud one no doubt is of better "quality." But it's a public vote. More people have eaten the Lush burger than the Maison Boulud one, and probably more people have eaten it on numerous enough occasions to remember "I like that one enough to vote for it in a contest" - and so Lush wins.
Submitted by Guest on Thu, 08/11/2011 - 14:22 Permalink
Re: Sweet Sixteen: The Beijinger Burger Cup First Round ...
Just came here to comment on what others already have. How many people that voted do you think have tried burgers from both Lush and Maison Boulud? Two entirely different demographics.
Submitted by Guest on Thu, 08/11/2011 - 14:10 Permalink
Re: Sweet Sixteen: The Beijinger Burger Cup First Round ...
I'm with snackmonkey.
The results of this entire competition are suspect, with Maison Boulud being knocked out. Hands down, it is the best burger in town.
Mind you, its silly that one of the town's fanciest, more expensive restaurants was paired up against a grimy student dive bar. This was bound to come down to which demographic voted more, as opposed to an actual judgement of the quality of the food.
A pox upon you and your entire burger bowl, Mike Wester.
Submitted by Guest on Thu, 08/11/2011 - 13:41 Permalink
Re: Sweet Sixteen: The Beijinger Burger Cup First Round ...
This is an outrage. Does "mourning for loss of Maison Boulud" constitute a reasonable reason for taking tomorrow off work?
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