Laowai: He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not
It’s a perennial subject in China’s online world, and once again a local female blogger has raised a divisive question – to date foreigners or not? ChinaSMACK has translated a call-to-arms against falling for Westerners; more specifically telling Chinese women not to sleep with Western men.
The author of the translated ChinaSMACK post concludes, through the highly scientific process of asking around, that every Western man in China is here for two reasons: because he can’t get a job in the Western world, and because he knows he will attract local women like moths to a flame. She cites some examples of less-than-chivalrous Americans dating pretty Chinese girls to illustrate the “fact” that Western men cheat, deceive, and undervalue their innocent Eastern girlfriends.
Ignoring for now the blanket generalization here, what’s more concerning is the lack of credit the author gives to Chinese girls. She seems to think they can’t help themselves, and are uncontrollably drawn to horrible laowai faster than you can say “Mei yuan.”
The blogger says that Chinese girls can’t find true love in an East-meets-West relationship – here’s why:
“… before you can have true love, you must have respect, and in the eyes of foreign men, the image of Chinese women have already begun to be ruined by the minority, having become: The world’s most promiscuous, most brazen, most devious, simple-minded, intellectually slow, stupid, ‘easy’ girl. It’s hard to imagine a man giving true love to a woman like that. There’s one exception, which an American told me about, which is those foreigners who want their wives to be a three-in-one combination of maid, cook, and sex worker.”
“Which an American told me about”? Clearly this girl’s research is highly scientific.
Maybe, just maybe, the issue here is lumping huge numbers of people under stupid labels like “Chinese girls” and “foreign men”? The real question is – why does anyone care what other people are doing in their bedrooms?
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Submitted by Guest on Tue, 09/20/2011 - 21:47 Permalink
Re: Laowai: He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not
another old topic to dig out for nonsense arguing about the western men and the chinese women. Why do we so care about "western" and "chinese"? nowadays, in big cities of china, people all over the world come and leave, just like many other cities in many other countries. many stories are shown every day, no matter happy or sad, it's just a part of our life.
so chinese women, don't blame the western men are all liars and just want to play with the innocent girls here. and the western men, also stop complaining that the chinese girls are stupid, simple-minded or "gold diggers",...
i totally agree with HuanChu, it's just a man-woman thing.
Submitted by Guest on Sun, 07/17/2011 - 15:10 Permalink
Re: Laowai: He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not
i dont understand how we leave here.the life in china is simply by luck you enjoy it and you maynot. at the moment am not but i have the feeling i will later on
pang duner
Submitted by Guest on Fri, 02/04/2011 - 23:58 Permalink
Re: Laowai: He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not
Why shouldn't people "sleep with each other the first night" and get "all horny on first attraction"??Who are you to judge what other people should and shouldn't do in their bedrooms??
Why should people "sleep with each other the first night or the first date" and get "all horny on first attraction"??
I can not understand. I do not know.
but if just for fun, I can understand. but can not accept.
pang duner
Submitted by Guest on Fri, 02/04/2011 - 23:55 Permalink
Re: Laowai: He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not
Why only women are defined as easy, but men are not?If men are not easy, how can women be easy?
Can feeling be weighted? If women always consider not to be easy, how can she have true feeling towards men?
Why women are defined as easy, but men are not?
easy understanding! do not explain.
Submitted by Guest on Fri, 02/04/2011 - 23:47 Permalink
Re: Laowai: He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not
could I join in your research?
pang duner
Submitted by Guest on Fri, 02/04/2011 - 22:54 Permalink
Re: Laowai: He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not
let me see! :/
Submitted by Guest on Tue, 11/30/2010 - 01:34 Permalink
Re: Laowai: He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not
I had a great job before i came to china and Probably will have a good one after i leave, which is next month. Never had any problem with money and i am not american too.
Second, once a man have money, time or power, women come automatically. If a chinese man have them, probably, he will be a hot commodity too. I guess there is a word in chinese which goes as "Golden Bachelor".
"Er nai" or lovers of rich chinese men are no hidden truth. So why make foreigners look like we are f* around.
Submitted by Guest on Mon, 10/18/2010 - 21:49 Permalink
Re: Laowai: He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not
Why so much fuss about an “Old issue”, if any "issue" at all?
Besides, the blogger is merely a "Bloody Arrogant Idiot", most probably "Frustrated" by a so-called "Foreigner"......
Let the writer rant and bark at a tree. Who cares???!!!
Submitted by Guest on Mon, 08/16/2010 - 10:16 Permalink
Re: Laowai: He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not
Why shouldn't people "sleep with each other the first night" and get "all horny on first attraction"??
Who are you to judge what other people should and shouldn't do in their bedrooms??
Submitted by Guest on Mon, 08/16/2010 - 03:30 Permalink
Re: Laowai: He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not
I like this girl ... agreed. *nods*
Submitted by Guest on Mon, 08/16/2010 - 03:29 Permalink
Re: Laowai: He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not
It is true that that the original post has holes upon more holes in her arguments.. Across the board. But in the end she does bring up a valid point ..
There are those who are from western countries (and generally not asian-westerners) come to this country with the idea of getting themselves a asian girl (whether it be one night stand or short term girlfriend). As for women and how they handle that tends to change, (some tend to aim for that while others are tricked). People truly shouldn't be sleeping with each other the first night, flashing money, going all horny on first attraction, and many other things ....
But they do. So what can you say?
I see this post as more of an awareness then anything else. In that case, it does promote awareness and do its job. Let it be ..
Submitted by Guest on Thu, 06/17/2010 - 21:08 Permalink
Re: Laowai: He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not
The topic is zero sense
Submitted by Guest on Sun, 06/13/2010 - 18:18 Permalink
Re: Laowai: He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not
As I think, there are also many stupid American, English, Italian,French women and so on.I have been working as customer service representative in a travel agency for two years, I met a lot of lovely people all over the world but there are also more than enough stupid foreign girls. I don`t understand why people make such a big deal about stupid Chinese girl? Because people are in China, they think they have right to judge Chinese women?
Submitted by Guest on Fri, 06/11/2010 - 19:30 Permalink
Re: Laowai: He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not
Nonsense! A quick mental survey of past girlfriends reveals that most of those with whom I have the closest post-breakup relationships moved quite quickly in that respect (as is the case with my wife of more than 10 years). A guy or girl who knows what he or she wants sexually and pursues it is no less worthy of respect than one who waffles about it for whatever emotional reasons. In my experience, men who lack respect for (and are usually afraid of) women do so before they know how any particular woman will react to their sexual advances.
bread lover
Submitted by Guest on Fri, 06/11/2010 - 09:57 Permalink
Re: Laowai: He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not
Yeah, instead of focus on the comment that chinese girls might be stupid, simple minded, i put more attention on searching the reasons why they are like that. Sometimes i blame the education systerm, which includes the parents, the teachers and also the whole scoiety. Believe me, it is very tough out of there.People will change during the learning period which takes a while. so be patient, i think chinese girls are catching up.
Submitted by Guest on Fri, 06/11/2010 - 08:49 Permalink
Re: Laowai: He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not
The blogger got it wrong. Chinese girls are not the main reason foreigners come here, but they are the main reason most stay.. since most foreigners, like those here on TBJ display a lot of disdain for the country and it's locals in general
Submitted by Guest on Thu, 06/10/2010 - 18:48 Permalink
Re: Laowai: He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not
that part can not be more true
But that is not a Sino-Western thing, thats a man-woman thing.
No man will respect a woman who makes herself easily available. Same as no woman will respect a man like that.
Submitted by Guest on Thu, 06/10/2010 - 18:28 Permalink
Re: Laowai: He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not
before you can have true love, you must have respect, and in the eyes of foreign men, the image of Chinese women have already begun to be ruined by the minority, having become: The world’s most promiscuous, most brazen, most devious, simple-minded, intellectually slow, stupid, ‘easy’ girl. It’s hard to imagine a man giving true love to a woman like that.
that part can not be more true
Submitted by Guest on Thu, 06/10/2010 - 17:34 Permalink
Re: Laowai: He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not
A poster called Centrist does a good number on this one. He writes:
"The “story” is just that– a story. It is full of holes and lacking logic nor evidence. In fact, I will be so bold as to come right out and say it: it’s all a lie.
And here is why:
The writer says that there are only two reasons why foreigners come to China. This is untrue. There are dozens upon dozens of reasons why foreigners come to China.
There are many tens of thousands of foreigners studying in China, for example.
There are professional teachers working in international schools in Shanghai, Qingdao, Beijing, Shenyang, and so on.
Embassy staff. Investors. Corporate executives. Journalists. Researchers. Technology consultants. Pilots. Flight attendants. Tourists. Retirees.
Only two reasons? No, the writer is simply telling lies or too biased to come to a logical, factual conclusion.
Secondly, she (or he) claims that he/she saw a foreigner picking up garbage off the street. As a foreigner in China, I do this too– especially near my home or near my school. It’s called community work and keeping my neighbourhood tidy. She is claiming that this foreigner is so poor that he must collect rubbish to survive? The only rubbish here is this entire fabricated story! Doesn’t the writer know that foreigners –even the most uneducated ones– can get jobs teaching English in schools all across China? Or even more to the point, in western countries poor people especially with children can collect something called “welfare” which can amount to well over 10,000 RMB a month. What foreigner would stay in China and live on the street when he can have housing provided back at home and draw money from the government?
And the story about the black guy and the Chinese girl going to the dormitory of one of the top research schools is classic. Maybe the black guy was a TEACHER at the school? Maybe he is a researcher? Did the writer even bother to research that?
more laughable is the simply foolish story about the “dying foreign AIDS patient in Beijing” is a complete fabrication as any foreigner with AIDS is expelled (deported) to their home country. That’s the law in China. Look it up sometime.
Another fallacy is the odd statement about Japan and how they call “America”. They call America, well, America. )American = America-jin /amelikadzin/ ) Odd how you would just make this up out of thin air like you are the master of Japanese.
And although I am not American, it seems that most of your writing is comparing American men or saying that America = 外国. Well, I got a new mathematical equation for you: 外国 不= 美国. Simply put, once you step out of China, you are not automatically in America. There ARE other countries, you know. Like 加拿大, for example. Have you forgotten 大山 or Dr. Bethune?
This is all just a silly fairy tale article with nothing based on factual information.
I am a foreigner. I am happily married to a Chinese lady. So is my best friend. We both have good jobs and happy healthy relationships with our spouses.
Are there bad foreigners in China? You bet.
Are there bad Chinese in “外国”? You bet.
It goes both ways…"
Submitted by Guest on Thu, 06/10/2010 - 17:30 Permalink
Re: Laowai: He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not
The real question is – why does anyone care what other people are doing in their bedrooms?
Because she's not getting any, anywhere?
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