Jul 15 14:00 pm - 16:00 pm
Event QR Code

At which venue:
798 art park
100rmb to 240rmb (depends on the amount of people)
Dears ,
there's a famous activity in beijing called bubble soccer, for those who doesn't know what it is ,check out the link beside: http://www.paopaozuqiu.com/english
since it's a group sport, we need at least 12 people to play. so if you are interested in , let me know .
the price for each person is between 240rmb to 100rmb, depends on the amount of players. the more , the cheaper. (you can check the exact price table from that link.
date: weekends.when there's enough players , i'll book.
place: near 798 park.
what to bring: just yourself.
price: 100rmb(if 30people join) to 240rmb(if 12 people join)
Good Morning,
Me and a large group of people are looking to partake in this event. is there a better way to get in touch with you?
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