Multiple dates 20:00 pm - 22:00 pm
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At which venue:
2.26 《晚宴上的比特丽兹》 Beatriz at Dinner, 8pm 2.27 惊讶喜剧开放麦 8pm 2.28 《斯大林之死》The Death of Stalin, 8pm 3.1 单立人喜剧免费演出, 8pm 3.2 《茉莉牌局, Molly's Game ,8pm 3.2 《魅影缝匠》 , Phantom Thread , 10.30pm 3.3 单口喜剧下午茶(需购票), 4pm 3.3 《快乐结局》, Happy End , 8pm 3.3 《隐藏摄像机》, Hidden, 10.30pm 3.4 《与神同行》 Along With the Gods, 8pm Find more info and synopsis on the official WeChat account: camerastylo
Thanks so much for posting the full schedule here!!!
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