Blog Tag - LGBT

TGIF: Make the Most of Your Weekend With These Killer Activities
The weekend is here! Time for fun, relaxation, and recharging the ol' batteries ahead of *gulp* Monday morning's alarm clock. Luckily enough, there’s...
What's Up in Beer: Pebbles Ninth Anniversary Party, Arrow Factory and The Great Outdoors Xmas Parties,
What's Up in Beer is our weekly rubdown of all things ale and suds. Lather yourself in the latest beery news, gossip, and openings all the while...
DP The Heartwarming Story of a 72-Year-Old Transgender Beijinger
After decades of dreaming about it, Xin Yue has finally transitioned into womanhood. Better still: 69-year-old Leng Rui, Xin's wife of over 40 years...
Save the Date: Beijing AIDS Walk, Sep 24
It's that time of year again: get up and walk along the Great Wall to help fight against HIV discrimination through fund raising and raising...
Big Mama
Lido is that stylishly ragtag individual of Beijing; it wears a nice tailored jacket up top, and a pair of comfy slacks below.  Thankfully Big Mama ...