Blog Tag - bird watching

8 Good-Looking Birds to Spot in Beijing This Spring
As the crowds rush outside this time of year to take endless selfies with cherry blossoms and tulips, it may be that we neglect to take in another,...
Old China Hand: Birding Beijing Founder Terry Townshend Tells Us Why Autumn is the Perfect Season to Spot Our Feathered Friends in the Capital
From the moment Terry Townshend laid eyes on the Ibisbill – gazing at its striking gray, black, and white feathers, along with its bright, downward-...
Beicology: Migratory Birds a Sign of Recovery and Offending Corporations Shamed
How bad is the smog these days, really? Who is keeping tabs on the state of our drinking water? What has the government done about carbon emissions ...
Rockin’ Robin: Beijingers Flock to Spot Rare Bird
He may be little, but he’s flapped up a frenzy. A red and brown feathered European robin has been spotted at the Beijing Zoo, and it’s bound to be...
Beicology: Environmentalist Enraged After Seeing Endangered Bird For Sale On Taobao
What's your typical Taobao browse like? A billion tabs and far too many items in your basket? British birdwatcher Terry Townshend had a far less than...