Blog Tag - Beijing Rugby

The Beijing Sino 10s Rugby Tournament is Back This Saturday, May 25
The Beijing Rugby community is pleased to announce the return of one of China’s biggest rugby competitions – the Beijing Sino 10s! Slated to take...
The Beijing Sino 10s Rugby Tournament is Back This Saturday, May 27
The Beijing Rugby community is pleased to announce the return of one of China’s biggest rugby competitions – the Beijing Sino 10s! Slated to take...
Get Sporty in Spring: Rugby Teams You Can Join in Beijing
Things are starting to warm up in the capital as winter finally releases its grip on the weather – meaning it’s time to get outside for a bit of...
Aardvarks Rugby Club Offers Fun and Friendship Through Sports in Beijing
After a recent blast of cold, it looks like Beijing is finally starting to enter spring as temperatures are forecast to hit 13 degrees Celsius next...