Blog Tag - Beijing Postcards

Art Imitates Life Imitates Art: New Women and the Tragic Suicide of Ruan Lingyu
The death of Chinese silent film actress Ruan Lingyu – known for her strong social conscience and work with leftist film directors – on Mar 8, 1935,...
Celebrate the Moon Festival With Beijing Postcard’s Hutong Scavenger Hunt
This Moon Festival (Sep 10) Beijing Postcards have put together one of their famous Hutong Scavenger Hunts, but this time they’ve added some special...
Find Out How the Chinese Language was Created at this History Talk, Jun 26
In 1913, a meeting was held in a small courtyard close to Xidan with the aim to find a nationwide standard of pronunciation for the Chinese language...
Walking Tours, Online Tours & Maps Galore: Chinese History Events this Week
History never sleeps in the capital, and while most tour groups are taking a break for the time being, Bespoke Travel Company is bringing back one of...
Backyard Adventure: Beijing’s Best Local Tour Guides and Agencies
Why would you want to leave China (or Beijing for that matter) when there are so many incredible things to discover right here in your backyard? We’...
DP Healing Through Words: Beijing Postcards Wants Your COVID-19 Stories
In psychology, a flashbulb memory is one that pertains to a poignant event seared into our minds, one that explodes and sparks before leaving its...
Smoking, Swilling, and Working: New Tour Sees the Women of Dashilar Differently
Beijing's favorite archive-diving tour company, Beijing Postcards, have just released a brand new walk-and-talk. Titled Republican Ladies and the...
Postcards From Dashilan: Retracing the Development of Beijing’s Former Commercial Hub
Beijing has seen a lot of changes this year, but is this something new? Beijing has always been in a state of flux. Sometimes the busiest areas in...
New Tour Reveals New Clues to 1930s Beijing Expat Enclave Murder Mystery
It's Peking of the 1930s. The 19-year-old adopted daughter of a British diplomat is found disemboweled at the base of what is now the Dongbianmen...
Tickets for Beijing Postcards and Bespoke Beijing's
It’s easy to forget, but 68 years ago Beijing was not the capital of China. The elderly people who live in the hutongs surrounding Beijing Postcards...
Community Matters: Celebrate White Cane Safety Day With This Music Video From Bethel China, From Dynasty to Republic
Check out the premiere of this heartwarming little music video from the people at Bethel China, an organization dedicated to educating visually...
Community Matters: Gulou Under Lock and Key, Tales of the Night Watch With Bespoke Beijing
Be transported to an older time when Beijing was one of the most policed cities in the world. Bespoke Beijing joined forces with the historians...
Community Matters: Tipsy Charity, History of Beijing's Urban Planning
Get over to Great Leap's Original No. 6 location on Feb 8 from 4-10pm for their Beer for Books event. This is your chance to chug a couple brewskies...
A Modest Proposal for Father's Day
From the desk of Jerry C. Chan, Department of Paternity, Chan Household Baiziwan Lu, Chaoyang District, Beijing PRC Prepared for: Department of...