Celebrate International Women's Day in Beijing with these Events

International Women’s Day is happening on a Tuesday this year, but festivities are kicking off a few days early -- with events happening all throughout the weekend leading up to Mar 8.

Here’s a rundown of all that’s happening for Women’s Day in the capital, from educational talks, movie screenings and more.

Saturday, Mar 5

What: Talk: From Bound Feet to High Heels: Beijing Women in the 20th Century
When: 11am-12.30pm
Where: Beijing Postcards

Sunday, Mar 6

What: Vision Board Workshop
Where: Wangjing Sci-Tech Elan Space (Bldg E, Room 20C)

What: Historical Movie Night: New Women
When: 6pm-8pm
Where: Beijing Postcards

Tuesday, Mar 8

What: Gender Equality for a Sustainable Tomorrow
Where: VAPOP Lab

What: Panel Discussion: Breaking the Cycle of Bias in Decision-Making
Where: British Ambassador’s Residence

What: Women’s Day Ladies Afterwork Apero
Where: Choo Noble Art Cafe
Contact: members@bei.swisscham.org
Registration Deadline: Mar 7

What: Breaking The Bias Together: Beijing Celebrates Intl. Women’s Day
Where: Hotel EAST Beijing

What: Happy Women’s Day Specials
Where: Kerry Hotel Beijing

Beyond Women’s Day

What: Break the Bias Ladies Afternoon Tea
Where: NUO Hotel Beijing

What: Intl. Women’s Day Celebration
Where: Mango Restaurant & Club

What: Movie Night: New Women
When: 6pm-8pm, Mar 20
Where: Beijing Postcards

READ: Meet the Great Chinese Women Your History Teacher Forgot to Mention

Images courtesy of the venues/organizers