Two Guys and a Pie Sanlitun Store Closing Next Week

After two years, Two Guys and a Pie have decided to close their Sanlitun store. Last day of trade will be Tuesday or Wednesday. In their own words:

"We were umming and ahhing right into the last month of our contract and in the end a new tenant was prepared to pay a lot more money than what we were so the decision was made for us.

It’s disappointing to close the store and sad as we’ve got some extremely loyal customers and prided ourselves on being the only foreign pie shop in Beijing and being a renowned late night feed in Sanlitun."

Pie lovers need not despair however. The Guys (i.e. Andrew Papas and Matthew Wong) will still be around town delivering orders of their delicious pies and taking part in events. They are also looking to get their pies on the menu at more locations (you can currently find them at Janes & Hooch, Sweet Tooth Bakery and Deli de Luxe, among others). Check their website regularly for more news as well as a website revamp coming soon.

Make sure to pop by this Friday or Saturday to grab a pie and an Aussie beer or two before the beloved store shuts its doors.

More stories by this author here.

Instagram: @gongbaobeijing
Twitter: @gongbaobeijing
Weibo: @宫保北京

Photo: Two Guys and a Pie


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