2013 Year in Review: The Year in Other Blogs' Years in Review
By no means are we here at the Beijinger the only Beijing-focused blog that generates year-end lists; if anything, we're merely bandwagon jumpers here to deliver what you, the hyperlink-clicking public, want. With that in mind, we took a quick tour of the rest of the blogosphere to collect some of the best 2013 year-end Beijing- (and in some cases, China-) focused wrapups from sources beyond our own site.
1. Top Chinese Celebs of 2013 (China Daily)
In a list summarized (or more like cribbed) from Forbes magazine, China Daily outlines the 20 Chinese celebrities with the most pull here. Consider it your primer on Chinese popular culture: if you don't know nearly all of them, perhaps its time for you to pop the expat bubble you've been living in.
2. Top 10 Chinese Gadgets of 2013 (Engadget via Shanghaiist)
Ah, we're all geeks at heart at thebeijinger, and in many ways we're sitting on the cusp of some epic change here in Beijing, where the tech scene has quickly evolved from being mere imitators to true innovators. One of our favorite down-south blogs Shanghaiist gives us a rundown of 10 cool Chinese tech innovations sourced from Engadget Chinese's Editor-in-Chief here.
3. The World of Chinese's Top Blogs of 2013
The World of Chinese is the bee's knees: A magazine purportedly about learning Chinese (wait, please supress that yawn) but imbibed with a sense of pop culture and hot Chinese societal trends that every expat should know. Their Best of 2013 gives you a taste of what they've been up to; we'd be surprised if you're not instantly addicted.
4. 2013's Best Music from 35 People in the Know (SmartBeijing)
You want comprehensive? You want exhaustive? SmartBeijing's Josh Feola has compiled the opinions of more than 30 music junkies in the capital for everything you always wanted to know about Beijing's music scene. Old hands will appreciate the depth; newbies can work their way through the list and come away with what they should be listening to in the year to come.
5. Top 10 Newly Coined Words of 2013 (Global Times)
Ni Hao just don't cut it anymore. You Da Shan wanna-bes can't just learn basic Mandarin Chinese and expect your taxi driver to exclaim, "wow! Your Chinese is so good!" anymore -- you've got to wow them with Internet-fueled trendy words and phrases. Stop speaking Chinese like the 65-year-old retireee who taught you at BLCU; start getting hip with this list of 10 newly-coined Chinese words via Global Times.
6. Top Blogs of 2013 (Sinopathic)
One of our favorite blogs we discovered in 2013 is Sinopathic, which offers up in-depth East-West cross-cultural insight on contemporary culture with a fresh perspective we really appreciate. Get a taste of what this blogger has been up to with his year-end wrap-up here.
7. Top 10 Chinese Music Festivals (China Daily)
A decade ago a Chinese rock festival was so rare that virtually every music fan would scramble for a ticket for fear of missing out on what was sure to go down in history as "China's Woodstock." In reality, most were merely great excuses to watch disorganization in action and for the cops to conveniently round up a bunch of drug-addicts all in one place. By 2013, mega-rock festivals in the Middle Kingdom have become so commonplace that there's enough to be categorized and ranked in a Top 10 list here from China Daily. See what all the fuss is about and how to plan your rocking schedule for 2014 via this list.
8. Tech in China 2013: WeChat is Everything (TechNode)
Tech blog extraordinare TechNode sums up all you really need to know about tech in China in 2013 in one word: WeChat. This year WeChat cleaned the clock of all other social media platforms and became the number-one reason why your date isn't talking to you at dinner (she's too busy taking pictures of the foie gras you ordered for her, to share it with the people who really matter in her life). Sadly, there are one or two Luddites who have failed to jump on the bandwagon. That's OK, we understand you were probably too busy rewinding your collection of VHS cassette tapes. Take a break from the action and read what you need to know about WeChat (or as it's known in Chinese, Weixin) on TechNode here
9. China Box Office: The Top 10 Movies (Hollywood Reporter)
Clifford Coonan of The Hollywood Reporter gives us a quick glmpse of the Top 10 Movies at the Chinese box office in 2013, where six of the top 10 films were Chinese productions. Given that the proprietor of Wanda Cinemas is now the richest man in China, its safe to say that good old fashioned movie-going is still on the rise, despite the proliferation of illegal DVDs and downloads. See which film stopped Iron Man 3 from achieving the Number 1 slot on the Hollywood Reporter's list here.
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admin Submitted by Guest on Tue, 01/07/2014 - 11:10 Permalink
Re: 2013 Year in Review: The Year in Other Blogs' Years in...
Tying in nicely with this list as well as our Year in Transportation blog is the announcement that WeChat has added Didi Dache integration so you can call a cab from your social media account
admin Submitted by Guest on Fri, 01/03/2014 - 10:51 Permalink
Re: 2013 Year in Review: The Year in Other Blogs' Years in...
For even more, visit this other wrap-up of other China-related Year-in-Review posts from Anthony Tao at BeijingCream:
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