Ten Last Minute Gift Ideas That Are Just Plain Weird

Despite all that Santa nonsense that you were fed as a child, by the time you're a wisened 20-something, the truth is clear: receiving gifts can be as anxiety-inducing as fielding grandma's sloppy kisses. How will you fake that smile of gratitude? What if it didn't come with a receipt? What kind of person did they think you were?

Below, we've conjured up a list of gift ideas that are so ridiculous that they could leave your giftee speechless – or, if you play your cards right, they just may lighten the mood this holiday season.

1. "Double Face" Silicone Mask

2. Tearful Plant Hat

3. Claus Clutch

4. Drop-Crotch Onesie

5. Hand Scarf

6. "Love Yourself, Design Your Beauty" Hat

7. Face Warmer

8. The Beard Man

9. Zillionaire Tattoo

10. "Happy Face" by Cogit

Have you come across any bizarre gift items during your recent shopping trips? Let us know below.

Photos: Fonzie's cousin on Flickr, Taobao, Nuandao, and Yetang.com


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