Sanyuanli Market Set to Re-Open Monday, June 17

Attention lovers of fresh produce: after bringing sadness to chefs and consumers when it closed April 7, Sanyuanli Market will resume operations in its newly-renovated digs on Monday, June 17. A Beijinger reader was kind enough to let us know when her ayi spotted the information posted at the market's entrance.

The market was originally slated to re-open in late May, but unforeseen delays have kept the apples away until now. For those with cooking plans this weekend, Sihuan Market has been open throughout, as are Beijing's other fine fresh-food markets.

We would love to hear from readers who return on Monday what they think of the updated premises, and if the renovations have brought with them higher prices. Let us know in our Comments section below.

Photo: Andy Oakley on Flickr


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Will keep you guys updated.. i just live about 2 mins walking distance from that place. Can't wait to check the prices. The partition between stalls are now made out of glass/flexi-glass I'm not sure but it's clear. They have a roll-out door in front to close the market at the end of the day.

In any case, the vendors are still out here (sidewalk near the market) every morning till about 9am.

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