UK Rape Suspect Found
Surrey police are now liaising with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the Chinese authorities regarding Robinson's return to the UK, James Baker, lead media relations officer of Surrey Police in the UK.
Robinson's presence in China was first reported by a former student on Reddit and subsequently linked to on Sinocism, which was quickly picked up by local media and some international press. While it was initially unclear whether Robinson had left Beijing or not, speculation was mounting that he was still somewhere in China. This uncertainty was laid to rest yesterday afternoon when news of the arrest was announced to parents at a few local international schools.
Robinson is currently being held for "overstaying his visa" and will likely be deported to the UK where he will face criminal charges for his alleged crimes, which took place between 2000-2002.
In the meantime Chinese media and netizens are sounding calls for increased background checks on foreign teachers, but it remains to be seen how this will affect hiring procedures for foreigners or whether an even wider backlash against foreign workers in general may follow.
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Submitted by Guest on Thu, 05/09/2013 - 12:14 Permalink
Re: UK Rape Suspect Found
In my Child Development undergraduate program, we were required to get State Child Abuse clearance papers before doing an internship. It's standard in the U.S. when working with children in any capacity to get Child Abuse Clearance.
Submitted by Guest on Thu, 05/02/2013 - 13:41 Permalink
Re: UK Rape Suspect Found
There's a scheduled check/crackdown coming in June, prior to the promulgation of new visa regulations in July... I'm sure, though, someone will point back to this incident as the cause, despite the "crackdown" having been in the works for a few months now.
Submitted by Guest on Tue, 04/30/2013 - 14:21 Permalink
Re: UK Rape Suspect Found
Excellent. Another 100 days of ballache checks on us seedy foreigners wouldn't surprise me. There's always one that has to spoil it for the rest. Did this guy commit these crimes in China or the UK? I totally agree with background checks on people working with young children too, that's standard where I'm from.
Submitted by Guest on Tue, 04/30/2013 - 11:09 Permalink
Re: UK Rape Suspect Found
I would hardly call a simple criminal background check for teachers of minors Nazi-esque. It's needed and I've rarely heard of legit BGCs asked for.
""In the meantime Chinese media and netizens are sounding calls for increased background checks on foreign teachers""Here we go again. Sounds like the Jew hunting of the Nazis. Soon all foreign employees get electronic foot shackles.
Submitted by Guest on Tue, 04/30/2013 - 06:42 Permalink
Follow up, ex BWYA student
I used to go to BWYA.
Providing this chance, I'd like to follow up and reflect on this issue in response to and other mainstream media. I'm posting it here because there seems to be nowhere to reach those media through email.
Here we go:
我想向贵报记者孔德婧就前几天发表的文章, , 提供一些线索。
世 青在刚办的时候外教都不错,中国籍教师也很好。后来可能是管理层有问题吧,中外好教师都走了很多,然后学校开始乱招外教,一个比一个烂。最不可理喻的是, 每当学生和家长联合投诉时,学校的态度也是能敷衍就敷衍过去,从来不给我们一个好的交代。学费倒是每年都5千5千地涨,我转学那会儿一年要交12还是13 万,有些学费支出学校也从来不明细。
Submitted by Guest on Sat, 04/27/2013 - 17:02 Permalink
Re: UK Rape Suspect Found
the question is: the guy left his last known job in Beijing in May of last year, and turned himself in in Beijing yesterday.
That's almost a year.
Where has he been hiding this whole time? In Beijing? And no one spotted him?
Has he been living in a cave?
Submitted by Guest on Sat, 04/27/2013 - 14:40 Permalink
Re: UK Rape Suspect Found
It's natural that a story gets more press when a non-national is involved, which makes me wonder how many unreported sexual abuse cases have happened with non-foreign teachers. Background checks would be a good idea for everyone who works with children--Chinese or foreign.
Submitted by Guest on Sat, 04/27/2013 - 14:19 Permalink
Re: UK Rape Suspect Found
""In the meantime Chinese media and netizens are sounding calls for increased background checks on foreign teachers""
Here we go again. Sounds like the Jew hunting of the Nazis. Soon all foreign employees get electronic foot shackles.
Submitted by Guest on Sat, 04/27/2013 - 13:50 Permalink
Re: UK Rape Suspect Found
I'm always glad when scum is taken off the streets。 Unfortunately as was the case last year, it makes a great excuse to blame foreigners as a community, rather than an assortment of thousands of individuals, who are mostly good. The resulting racism, intimidation and xenophobia will be deflected onto the 99.999% of us who are law-abiding, innocuous foreigners trying to make a life here. Visa laws have already been tightened and tweaked. Maybe they'll construct another great wall this time!
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