Gearing Up for All Hallow's Eve

It’s crunch time, folks. As of today, you have just under two weeks to choose, find and execute a smashing Halloween ensemble. Before you start freaking out, turn to our trusty lists from years past (2009 and 2010) of venues to stock up on wigs, masks, fishnet stockings – you name it.

From the popular Alien Street Market (a little like Silk Market, only with more multicolored wigs and plastic swords) to the lesser-known Beta Costume Rentals (costumes ranging from Grim Reaper to Hello Kitty are available-for-rent online), your costume-shopping haunts in this city are boundless. And that’s not even taking into account the option that grants you the most creative license of all: tailoring.

I’ve seen the results of superhero leotards, medieval dresses and wizard capes personally, and they all looked impeccable. Just print out a photo from any website (if you’re feeling uninspired, take a cue from the experts at or and bring it to any tailor – refer to our list and May cover feature to find one near you.

Now that you're familiar with your options, here are some costume ideas.

You can go “classic” (or clichéd):

Track down face paint (and fake blood) at Yashow Market’s third and fourth floors or Wukesong Costume Market. The leather jacket and black beater, on the other hand, can be located at your local Zara, Uniqlo, Wudaokou Clothing Market or Zoo Clothing Market. The fangs are another story – if you can't find them at Yashow or Wukesong, opt for (This pair of "獠牙" starts at RMB 5, plus RMB 10 for shipping.)

Type in "witch costume" on and this is what you get. Of course, per our earlier suggestion, you can always come up with a more original version and get it custom-made.

You can go "trendy":

It's the number one paid iPhone application in over 60 countries, and a movie is already on the way. (Even China's obsessed – see our earlier post here.) Sure, the version above (despite costing a whopping RMB 320) may be sold out, but it's still available in King Pig form. Place your order through (formerly known as, which will ship items from Western websites to Chinese mailing addresses for a small fee.

You can also pay homage to the late Steve Jobs, founder of Apple and devout wearer of the black-mock-turtleneck-and-jeans combo. You can get a pair of fake rimless specs at Silk Market or Mingjingyuan Glasses City. Hopefully you don't need me to tell you where to get a pair of jeans or a black shirt like that. (If you're really at a loss, I'd recommend the men's sections at H&M and Gap.)

You can go "Beijing":

This costume can only make sense in so many contexts. While you're living here, why not take advantage? We found a similar version at Dongjiao Market mere months ago.

We've spotted Peking Opera costumes for rent both at Huan Run and Beta Costume Rentals. Both places stock elaborate themed get-ups and accessories – ideal if you're in a last minute bind and need to find something outrageous. You can visit their websites get a sneak peek at their collections.

Our tips? Keep focused, be resourceful and bargain hard (if necessary). Good luck. If you have any more wacky ideas for costumes, feel free to share them below.

Alien Street Market. Yabao Lu (south of Fulllink Plaza), Chaoyang District. 老番街市场, 朝阳区雅宝路

Beta Costume Rentals. (6844 4222)

Dongjiao Market. Daily 8am-5pm. Xidawang Lu (south of Soho New Town), Chaoyang District. (6774 7864) 朝阳区西大望路(Soho现代城南边)

Gap. Unit 136A-140, Beijing APM, 138 Wangfujing Dajie, Dongcheng District. 东城区王府井大街138号北京新东安广场136A-140

H&M. Daily 10am-10pm. Xidan Joy City, 131 Xidan Beidajie, Xicheng District. (6706 0508) 西城区西单北大街131号西单大悦城

Huan Run. Daily 9am-6pm. 19/F, Bldg 5, Wanda Plaza, Chaoyang District. (5979 8013) 寰润, 万达广场5号楼17层

Mingjingyuan Glasses City. Mon-Sun 9am-6pm. 43 Huawei Beili, Chaoyang District. 朝阳区华威北里43号明镜苑眼镜城

Silk Market. Daily 9am-9pm. 8 Xiushui Dongjie, Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District. (5169 8800) 朝阳区建国门外大街秀水东街8号

Uniqlo. Bldg 10, South District, Sanlitun Village, 19 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District. (6413 1320) 朝阳区三里屯路19号三里屯Village南区10号楼

Wudaokou Clothing Market. Daily 9am-7.30pm. Northeast corner of Xueyuan Lu and Beisihuan Lu, Haidian District. (6239 6347) 海淀区学院路和北四环路十字路口的东北角

Wukesong Costume Market. Daily 9am-6pm, 9am-5pm (in winter). 40 Wukesong Lu, Haidian District. 北京摄影器村成, 海淀区五棵松路40号

Yashow Market. Daily 9.30am-9pm. 58 Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang District. (6415 1726) 雅秀市场, 朝阳区工体北路58号

Zara. Daily 10am-10pm. The Place, 9A Guanghua Lu, Chaoyang District. (6587 1341/49) 朝阳区光华路甲9号世贸天阶

Zoo Clothing Market. Daily 5-am-4.30pm. Across the street from the Beijing Zoo (south side of the street), Xicheng District. 西城区北京动物园周边

Photos: Flickr user wafer,,,,


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Our November What's New Shop,, is also selling some quirky costume items for cheap:

Tiffany Wang
Style & Living Editor, the Beijinger

looking for kids costumes? Check out Diana Dai's guide to buying kids costumes on Taobao here

Books by current and former Beijinger staffers

and don't forget our list of halloween parties here ...

Books by current and former Beijinger staffers

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