Blog Tag - Taboo

Five Things You Should Never Give as a Gift in China
We've all been there: A dear friend’s birthday is coming up, but you just can’t decide what gift to buy them. After hours of trawling the aisles,...
Confessing Your Love on Qixi? Choose Your Lines Wisely
As you may have heard, it's that lovey-dovey time of year again. Yes, I am talking about Qixi, the Chinese Valentine’s Day. Besides treating your...
What should you say when something is broken?
You have probably heard enough of Spring Festival traditions and customs, but what about taboos? People do not usually tell you of such things until...
Talking Pints: Black Eyed Pea Taboo at Elements Tonight
They kept it under wraps, but Gongti superclub Elements will host a DJ set by none other than Taboo of Black Eyed Peas tonight (Sep 27). "A once in...