Blog Tag - Toilets

Why the Bathroom in Your Chinese Apartment Smells Awful (And How To Fix It)
Nope, your poops aren't suddenly way smellier when you're living in China (well actually, maybe they are). And it's not just you: Bathrooms often do...
Plumbing the Depths of China’s Toilet History With Beijing Vlogger Stuart Wiggin
Stuart Wiggin is talking about toilets in one of his latest videos, but his career is by no means going down the drain. Yes, the burgeoning Beijing...
Dip It Low: How Mastering the Squat Toilet Will Improve Your Life
When I was much, much younger, one of my most memorable things to do was to visit my grandparents from my mom’s side. They lived in a small village...
700 Upgraded/New Public Toilets, No More Urgent Moment700 Upgraded/New Public Toilets, No More Urgent Moment
While the citizens of the United States are embroiled in a controversy over who gets to pee in what public bathroom, we here in the glorious, utopian...
Beijing Prepares 3,000 Portapotties For Parade
In preparation for the September 3 parade, nearly 3,000 temporary toilets have been readied around Tian'anmen Square, an average of one per 24 people...
Thai Temple to Set Up Separate Toilets for Allegedly Unhygenic Chinese Tour Groups
Apparently Chinese tourists are gathering a bit of a reputation in Thailand after a news report hit the web over the weekend stating a temple there...
But How Will We Know? National Tourism Administration to Dump Public Toilet Star Ratings
Your opportunities to use a five-star toilet are running out. The National Tourism Administration (NTA) has announced it will flush its current...
The Lighter Side of China: Toilet Tales
Of all the things that I worried about when I moved to China some 17 years ago, I hardly imagined that using public restrooms would prove to be one...