Blog Tag - recycling
On May 1, Beijing officially began rolling out its long-awaited recycling plan, with a steady influx of recycling bins popping up around housing...
Amid the coronavirus pandemic and the various knock-on effects it has had on Beijing's municipal management, the city's drive to install stricter...
As its landfills pile up at an outrageous pace, Beijing appears to be doing all it can to turn over a new (biodegradable) leaf on plastics and waste...
The fun, the strange, and the what-on-earth-is-this: Trending in Beijing is a wrap-up of top stories in Beijing as told by the trending hashtags, ...
As of Jul 1, Shanghai residents are now required to sort their trash according to new recycling regulations rolled out throughout the city. The news...
When it comes to taking out the trash, our fair city is about to up the ante.
The Beijing Municipal Administration Commission recently told Tencent...
It’s amazing what beauty you can find in the old, abandoned, and forgotten. In a world where sustainable living is increasingly on the agenda, small...
Back in our home countries, reinventing ourselves might not be easy. But if you’re in Beijing, considered by many as the land of exciting...
For many Westerners who have come to China, it’s like landing in an alternative universe – where according to the sheer amount of single-use...
Reducing, reusing, and recycling doesn't haven't to be a chore. Carrie Yu (余元) is working to make that process fun and a regular part of Beijingers'...
We often leave in a rush and in doing so throw out a lot of items that could be of use to others in the city. For that reason, we've compiled the...
Being back in the UK for Christmas, I am reminded just how many charity shops there are. In fact recent estimates suggest there are over 10,200...
Blue Sky DaysOn a clear day Beijing might just be the best damn city in the world. There’s nothing like waking up to a bright blue sky and the AQI...
The machines that pay customers for empty plastic bottles on subway line 10 actually were installed at the end of last year, but most people still...
Recycling is a vexed issue in China. On the one hand it’s a obviously good thing that much of the country’s waste is recycled, though Beijing still...
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