Filled with dbags, expensive, crowded...this place sucks

Joined: Jun 24, 2010
Posts: 39
Review of Spark

Spark is a nice looking club. Many of the people inside are also nice looking. Unfortunately, the people inside and club itself are vain, look-at-my-money dbags that have no clue how to party and have fun. If your idea of fun is standing on a miniature dance floor listening to top 30 pop hits that is filled with 80% drunk foreign guys, this is the club for you. In the 2 hours I was there the last time, I was pushed by about ten wanna-be foreign models just trying to pick a fight. They drunkenly stand on the dance floor taking up space and generally sucking. The music is about as good as turning on a bad radio station in the USA. It was 200 yuan to get inside and another 20 to check my coat. I hate this club and everything that it stands for. A night at Vics or being waterboarded would be more fun that being in this club. Never again.