In Pictures: Canada Day and the Beijinger's Annual Chili Eating Competition

Saturday marked Canada’s 148th birthday and the Beijinger, as according to over a four whole year’s worth of chili eating history and tradition, recruited eight intrepid, heroic, and potentially imprudent whipper snappers to celebrate the occasion by sticking as many firecrackers in their numb and gaping mouths as possible. What people will do for a little bit of cash and glory.

Hot to trot


As in previous years, Saturday’s Chili Eating Contest was held at the Canadian International School of Beijing, and drew a huge crowd of savages, baying to watch grown men cry or at least see someone bleed from the eyes due to overzealous Scoville scoffing.

Canada lovers: purveyors of pain


Unfortunately, the best they got was some grown men sweating, making it a completely average day in Beijing during this time of year. Lame.

Wayne Liu recovers a tasty voucher and preliminary facial sensations


However, the crowd’s cheers did drive one man on to victory, Wayne Liu, who managed to wolf down an incredible 38 peppers, scoring himself a voucher worth RMB 1,000 to V+. Second place went to last year’s joint-winner Byron Logue who improved on his previous 25 chilies, raising his PB to 34. Someone’s been practicing. Finally, third place went to Daniel Mulroy who swallowed a respectable 28 peppers.


Thanks for all who came along to the event! We hope that all contestants are rested, recovered, and can see straight at work today. Check out more pictures from the event and bonus snaps of kids destroying stuff as well as the world's biggest cake below:

"What have I done?"

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Photos: Uni