Follow Our WeChat and Win RMB 1,000 in Booze

[UPDATE 5/8 10am] A lucky winner has now been selected! Thank you for all your entries and keep a look out for similar promotions in the future!

Like drinking? Yeah, we know you do. And to celebrate that fact  as well as to allow us to introduce you to our official the Beijinger WeChat feed we're giving away a RMB 1,000 voucher for use at the posh Element Club.

Won't you look flashy with this Element Club Gold Card with RMB 1,000 stored value on it:

The glorius prize at stake: an Element Club Gold Card

Impress the chicks, pick up the tab for that hot guy with those moves on the dance floor, celebrate with your buddies, or hell, just drink alone.

How to put your name in the hat:

1. Scan our QR Code above (or below). If you do not know how to do this, you can always simply search for our account by using the term "thebeijinger". If you do not know how to do this, please ask virtually anyone else, as you may be the last person left in Beijing who has not figured this one out. If you do not use WeChat, well I guess you've got bigger fish to fry than worrying about how to enter this contest.

Our QR doohickey. Point your thing at it and scan


2. Send us a message via our WeChat account. Something tasteful. Contrary to rumors suggesting otherwise, we do not favor those respondents that send us pics of their cleavage (or Beijing bikini belly  tis the season after all).

Sorry, no extra consideration given to those who send cleavage selfies

Oh yeah and if you followed us already, you're eligible to win as well, so don't bother to unfollow us and then follow us again, just send us a message.

We'll be calling a moratorium on entries by the end of the day Thursday (May 7) so that we can courier this to you before the weekend begins.

Have at it!

Images: the Beijinger,