Attention Americans!

Hey, Democrats!

To vote in the primaries for the Democratic party, register at this website today. It doesn’t matter if the primary has already happened in your state – this year, Democrats abroad have their own delegates to the National Convention.

Hey, Reppies!

Republicans can visit this site to register by state to vote in the primaries.

And for Americans of all stripes: Visit to find out more about getting your hands on an absentee ballot for this November.

Meanwhile, if you're confused about who to vote for, perhaps Su Fei of Sexy Beijing (with the help of Beijing's digua and newspaper salesmen) can help you make up your mind.

Visit the Sexy Beijing website for more.

Links and Sources
Federal Voting Assistance Program: General Information
Democrats Abroad: Voter registration
Republicans Abroad: Voter Registration Deadlines
Sexy Beijing: The Beijing Caucus