CCTV Headquarters on Simpsons

Via Shanghaiist (though, they really should change their name to Chinaist), comes an indication that the CCTV Headquarters in Beijing has entered the global, or at least American, public consciousness. The Shanghai site report that a model of the big pants - minus the burnt boot that currently sits forlornly by the impressive structure - appeared on a recent episode of The Simpsons. You can watch the full episode on Youku.

Links and Sources

Simpsons Season 20, Episode 18
CCTV building makes cameo in The Simpsons
The Beijinger: CCTV on Fire
The Beijinger: CCTV is Connected
The Beijinger: In the Mood for CCTV
Urbane: Superiority Complex
FlickR: CCTV HQ Bldg.


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