At the Drama Club aspiring actors can try their hand at acting, mingle with the cast and crew of Beijing Playhouse shows, and perhaps receive pointers from Beijing Playhouse directors. It's also a great way to learn about shows in advance of auditions.
We meet on the 1st Tuesday of the month at 7 pm. We also occasionally have special workshops on the 3rd Tuesdays of the month. But, come rain or shine, there will always be a workshop on the 1st Tuesday.
Beijing Playhouse Drama Club meets at Nearby the Tree in Sanlitun, near The Village, a short 10 minute walk from the Tuanjiehu subway station.
At all Drama Club Workshops, a director or drama teacher will conduct a session that teaches you something new about acting and improves your acting skills.
Walk-ins and volunteers with acting, stage, screen or voice experience to lead workshops are welcome.
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