A World Class City? Not Beijing – And Here’s Why
Dan Harris at China Law Blog on Monday brought a post examining the difference between Beijing, Shanghai and Seoul as major cities to my attention. By Guy Sorman at City Journal (a publication of which I was not previously aware), it’s well worth the read, particularly if you’re a long-term Beijing resident or interested in how this city can become a great one. I am both, so it certainly pricked my ears, as it were. Suggesting that politics is the key shaper of these mega cities (all three with populations over 20 million in the metro area), the article has this to say about Beijing:
The old city was a maze of neighborhoods made up of one-story houses built around square inner courts and separated by narrow lanes, or hutongs. These traditional neighborhoods could have been saved or modernized, but the reformers razed them in the name of hygiene (the official motive) and real-estate speculation (the real motive), erecting huge office towers in their stead. The hutong dwellers were moved to shoddily built, city-owned shoeboxes on the city’s edge, where rent is cheap but modern amenities like elevators and proper heating are often lacking. The government is now rebuilding a few of the original hutongs, characteristically seeking to please tourists in search of the authentic Beijing.
For more on why Beijing falls short of world class, head to Agendabeijing.com.
Photo: Konrad on Flickr
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Submitted by Guest on Mon, 04/22/2013 - 19:28 Permalink
Re: A World Class City? Not Beijing – And Here’s Why
This network of about 5 square miles of hutongs isn't real and nor are these people I see all around me after 8pm. The only thing that is real is that Guy Sorman is a wanker
Submitted by Guest on Fri, 04/19/2013 - 11:55 Permalink
Re: A World Class City? Not Beijing – And Here’s Why
Obviously some naieve ponce that can't see past his posh high-rised apartment in CBD.
As a foreigner,I will reflect the sentiments of the local residents.... "If you want to wallow in your foreign roots , eat foreign food and live as a foreigner - go back home,you'll be much better off!"
Submitted by Guest on Fri, 04/19/2013 - 09:33 Permalink
Re: A World Class City? Not Beijing – And Here’s Why
You need to look at the comments section of the City Journal article, where many people dissect and indeed, demolish this 3-year-old piece. The commenters include Charlie Custer.
That story is so full of factual errors, one has to wonder how much time he has spent in the city to have a valid take.
Hint: 20 million population? He didn't even get that right.
You may also be amazed to know that BJ closes up after 8pm and that there are no longer any small shops.
Submitted by Guest on Thu, 04/18/2013 - 18:27 Permalink
Re: A World Class City? Not Beijing – And Here’s Why
This article by this Guy Sorman guy is extremely biased. At least the article notes that he "serves [served?] as an advisor to ... Lee Myung Bak." Not sure what Mr. Bak is up to these days but I digress.
I pretty much discounted the article once I read the phrase "the city is a cultural void" regarding Beijing. Korea is one of the most stiff, lifeless places I've ever seen. You will find a special brand of capitalism based on enormous family owned conglomerates--the chaebol--and franchises or otherwise connected branches of Western corporations, and not a lot more. That combined with the lockstep mentality of the government to pretty much push the select few, major companies above all else--and even a lot of the people with their desire to act and even dress the same as everyone else--and you will surely go mad. The monotony is enough to make you want to kill yourself. No wonder it has the highest suicide rate in the world.
It all makes China and Beijing look that much better doing this well despite an oppressive government. I didn't understand the phrase "Beijing is not a friendly city" either. Many people here seem to have a friendly spirit and act like actual people with a lot of culture and not just as robots programmed for the highest possible consumption though I guess there are some of those too. I guess the assertion was levied at the layout a little more. It's definitely getting congested but what megacity isn't though? Not to mention all of the culture that's tucked into every nook and cranny of the city basically, if not on display front and center which it can be also.
I think a more nuanced, unbiased assessment would be a lot more interesting.
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