Netizens Touched by Angelina Jolie’s Breast Surgery
Brad Pitt’s not the only one giving words of support to Angelina Jolie. The actress, who announced yesterday that she’d had surgery on her breasts to protect against cancer, has received an outpour of support from netizens on Sina Weibo.
One translation of her op-ed explaining the procedure in the New York Times was reposted 101, 530 times and received 20,619 comments in 22 hours. Many expressed love, respect and support for the actress, calling her actions and arguments courageous.
@工银安盛人寿_张丽红 posted: “I admire her courage. Health is far more important than beauty! Women stay healthy, cherish your bodies.”
@暴君-塔奇克玛 posted: "I saw the news on my way to work and was shocked ... my heart was touched and filled with admiration. It takes a lot of courage and determination to make this kind of decision as a mother and a daughter…Jolie’s love for her children and her compassion for others make her the most beautiful woman in the world, and the only one."
@大苗哥会掉下来 commented: “It’s not just because she’s sexy that I love her, but it’s for her courage and determination.”
Among the kind words, this line from Jolie’s article has been quoted and translated wildly:
"Life comes with many challenges. The ones that should not scare us are the ones we can take on and take control of."
Already one of China’s favorite celebrities, Angelina has inspired many in the country with her decision to have a preventative double mastectomy and announce it publicly.
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Bobby Tree
Submitted by Guest on Thu, 05/16/2013 - 17:02 Permalink
Re: Netizens Touched by Angelina Jolie’s Breast Surgery
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