Survey: Covid Through the Eyes of Beijing's Foreign Residents

Since its onset all the way back in 2020, Covid has been a headache for a great many here in China, and the continuation of snap lockdowns and new rules like entry passes for communities can only work to exacerbate the situation.

What if you could voice your concerns and have them heard?

We’re conducting a survey gathering Beijing residents’ opinions and concerns about Covid-19, and we’ve got the ear of the people who make this city run to make sure your voice is heard.

The survey aims to gather details on difficulties foreign residents have faced during Covid, what needs they have, and what sort of things they’d suggest for the city in regards to Covid response.

To take part, simply scan the QR code above and submit a response by this Thursday (May 26) at 5pm. Responses are completely anonymous, but basic data like age, marital status, country of origin, and duration of time spent in Beijing.

Want to voice your opinions or concerns and have them heard? Get answering now!

Images: kian zhang (via Unsplash)


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quote Gin Martini wrote:

`The whole shamdemic is a beaurocrat's wet dream : total control of everyone all the time'.

It's called the rise of the bio-security state. We were warned it was coming, and now it is here. Worldwide. The technology exists to enforce it, i.e. smartphones welded to everyone, the use of digital money, which can be turned on or off at whim, -- what?! you didn't get your latest weekly test?! no Wechat pay for you!!

I am Doktor Aethelwise Snapdragoon.

So there I was, jus mindin my own business, Chinese folk to the north, Chinese folk to the south, 都全排队, snicker snicker here and there, `外国人,老外,etc. nothin new. A few nice people, a few assholes. Nothing new. Get a meaningless swab of my throat cavity. Now I can take a train trip.

I am Doktor Aethelwise Snapdragoon.

Well, I am not a Beijinger, however, I am a foreigner living in China, now for over 8 years, so I will give you my 2 cents worth, pointwise, below.

-- there is no Covid pandemic.

-- there has never been a Covid pandemic.

-- wearing a mask has no efficacy in preventing the transmission of viral respiratory illness.

-- PCR tests (aka nucleic acid tests, aka 核酸测试)do not indicate anything about the health of the person so tested. Furthermore they are so manipulable as to be able to produce any result desired.

-- social distancing, and lockdowns have no efficacy in preventing the the transmission of viral respiratory illness.

-- vaccines intended to inhibit the effects or transmission of a coronavirus have no proven efficacy, safety, or necessity.

-- the entire monstrosity of the `pandemic' response and affiliated measures has absolutely nothing to do with the health and physical well-being of the populace.

There ya go. Put that in yer pipe and smoke it.

I am Doktor Aethelwise Snapdragoon.

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