Beijing Events

Register Now of Ycis-Bj Online Info Sessions in March

Mar 26 8:30 am -
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The Yew Chung International School of Beijing (YCIS Beijing) would like to invite prospective parents to attend our online Primary and Secondary Information Sessions on Thursday, March 26 at 10:00am and 2:00pm respectively.

Both Information Sessions will be held online by our Academic Leadership Team and will focus on our School Programmes and YCIS holistic approach to teaching and learning, designed to provide students with valuable skills to help them achieve wellness and career success.

To sign up for the Primary Info Session at 10:00am, please click this link

To sign up for the Secondary Info Session at 2:00pm, please click this link

These events are open to prospective parents only, so only families with children holding a foreign passport are encouraged to attend. To learn about YCIS-BJ eligibility criteria click here.


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