Jul 6 20:00 pm - 21:30 pm
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Tired of not watching your favorite soccer team (the United States of America) play in the World Cup? Comedy Club China is here to keep the July 4th energy going. Join us for our 3rd edition of our comedy series at the Bookworm: "Eat, Drink, Laugh." Do you like eating? The Bookworm has food (the quesadillas are good). Do you like drinking? The Bookworm has drinks (many beers on tap, cider, wine, cocktails...look out). Do you like laughing? Comedy Club China has jokes. Every show we have done at the Bookworm has been a lot of fun, so make your way out there on Friday and we promise the show will be finished before whatever country's soccer teams I don't care about play each other.
See you at the show!
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