Laifu Livehouse 来福音乐现场


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Laifu Livehouse is tucked away among the high-rises of Pingod Art District, and split into two sections: a lounge bar with a fridge full of imported beer and sofas and its own small stage for jazz, folk, and such like, while a cavernous space next door has the capacity for a few hundred people, with a large stage, sound and light system and not much else. However, it's outside the venue that lies the jewel in the concrete crown, an outdoor area about the size of the yard outside Dada/Temple but with a high roof covering it from those late night summer downpours and the perfect spot to either smoke a cigarette or gulp some fresh air, depending on your poison.


Shuangjing / Dongsihuan
22 International Art Plaza, 2/F, Bldg 31, No. 6 22 Plaza Arts District, 32 Baizi Wang Lu
Chaoyang District
130 5159 3292

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