Now that the back streets of Sanlitun have become more and more clean, and seems more and more quiet, we suddenly feel as if we've lost something. So the AURORA team will be in the back of the Tongli building. We found a new starting point and got the support of 13 DJs, and the OPEN club has offered us his terrace to make us expand our musical party vibe. The third floor of the Tongli building will bring the heat the whole day. The AURORA team will prepare delicious Tacos and BBQ and cold delicious drinks. The 13 DJs will also bring their electronic music together to find the "SOUL" of Sanlitun!
Pancake Lee+ Mario Yu/Aida+Xenia/Juliana Lima/Nigls/Vltra_U/Eric Lee/Kimo/HamoudeH/Summa$hu/Mehdi.F/Daniel Ma
免费入场 Free Entry
ADDRESS地址:北京朝阳区三里屯同里三层301室Open酒吧露台 Tongli Building 3rd floor (South Entrance) Sanlitun Bar Street OPEN bar Rooftop