Get ready for a full on assault on the senses from what is sure to be an outstanding evening of hardcore musical offerings.
Making the trek up from down south are hardcore heroes Spill Your Guts! Spill Your Guts formed in 2012 and the crew have since released at least 5 EPs (I think?) and multiple other 7" and singles. Having played shows throughout China and beyond (Singapore, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, etc.), the band knows how to command the stage and we are very happy to welcome them back to School Bar this evening!
Also set to play are fastcore band and perhaps Beijing's best live band Struggle Session, back in town from South Korea via France the one-man band that plays everything from math rock to hardcore punk Octopouple, and with only one promotional photo to their name and not much else none about these newcomers, making their debut are Stinky Human Abuse to Subsist!
Join us!
Show write-up: http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/vlxmTmw4uTJgn0J2inEh2g
RMB 80
Tickets here: https://wap.showstart.com/event/47923
Spill Your Guts: https://site.douban.com/spillyourguts/
Struggle Session: https://site.douban.com/strugglesession/
Octopouple: https://octopoulpe.bandcamp.com/
Stinky Human Abuse to Subsist
School Bar March Calendar of Shows: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/W844uEMexp0GzdrvwHYH0Q
School Bar: http://site.douban.com/school/
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