Beijing Events

Hao Shiming | Cornerstone

Multiple dates 11:00 am - 18:00 pm Toggle calendar
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Hadrien de Montferrand Gallery is pleased to present "Cornerstone", a solo exhibition of Hao Shiming. The show opens on January 20th and last until March 3rd 2018. This is the second solo exhibition of the artist with the gallery. The exhibition will showcase the artist's latest works painted on stones and the paper series "Da Guan".

Hao Shiming’s works expertly combine their own particular semantic “threads” by destroying and reconstructing symbols taken from Chinese historic literature, to become the foundation of an artistic method derived from calligraphy. On one hand, this inspires a search for the pursuit of the spirit inherent to traditional culture. On the other hand, this aesthetics attempts to reach an expression identical to calligraphy by experimenting further the possibilities of materials and space. In his production of recent years, no matter whether it developed from the earliest themes of the “chairs” series, to the “birds” series or to the “birds and flowers” series, or whether it progressed from the “mountain and water” series to the calligraphy series, or whether the choice of materials evolved, from silk scroll to paper to stone, Hao Shiming became ever more proficient with each type of artistic possibility through his own practice and his growing acquaintance with the traditional Chinese artistic system.

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Hao Shiming | Cornerstone
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