This Tibetan singer/musician has a very special connection with our bar. He used to work here from the very beginning period of the bar since 2008 till he went back his home town Lhasa in the year of 2010. We are very happy to invite him back here again with his unique folk music and his purest heart, to the place in where he had 2 years of good memories and unforgetable experience. In his own words: "I'm a Cangku boy!" .Anyway, if you ever heard about his story or knew him personally, or you're just merely interested in his rooted traditional Tibetan folk music, here will you be to meet him, his story and his heart.
Tsering is a Tibetan singer. His music rooted in traditional Tibetan folk music that play a unique blend of reggae, rock and folk rock, with emphasis on recreating and changing ancient traditional Tibetan music by using modern and traditional instruments from Tibet and beyond.
His songs creates a unique, new blend of Tibetan folk rock by interweaving ethnic elements and musical expression with the modern and traditional, old and new.
Tsering has been playing music and performing for many years, never straying away from the simple innocence ofTibet’s traditional music. His music is both calming and spiritual and the live performances never lose the strong appeal and worldliness. wechat
WeChat: baochaocangkubar
(Take note that this party starts at 9pm. Early arrival is recommended!)