5 stars for 50% off salad Mondays alone

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Joined: Mar 25, 2014
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Mondays are my detox day, or at least they became such after Saturday's fun started to spill into Monday thanks to the gradual decay of my body and liver. The routine was bolstered significantly by Gung Ho's 50% off salad Mondays deal, which, if I'm at home, involves me buying two to exceed the 50 kuai minimum order free delivery fee (feeling extra healthy), although most of the time I order to the office where half the team are also apparently absolving their sins. Even with a 10-salad order they arrive within 20-25 minutes.

The salads themselves are pretty simple but don't skimp on what counts: a hearty portion of meat and nuts, as well as a bunch of packed-in and fresh veg, and easily fill till the next meal. Teriyaki chicken and the paleo are the best in my opinion, each including chunks of chicken and beef, respectively, that is of obvious good quality and is well-seasoned. You can't do much better than 25 kuai a pop.