6 Ways to Beat a Beijing Hangover
Beijing hangovers are one of a kind. You start off with a cheeky and somewhat classy happy hour after work, head to a brewpub for beers and dinner with your friends, and somehow find yourself hanging out with old Beijing men drinking baijiu out of the tiniest cups known to mankind until 4am in the morning eating lamb (or rat, who knows) on sticks on tiny plastic chairs outside.

With summer just around the corner these scenarios are going to be playing out a fair bit, so let's recap some of the ways to deal with your hangover.
Hair of the dog
Surely the only way to guarantee that you will be feeling better is to just start drinking again. Whether or not this will work depends on your situation though, as it doesn't work for everyone, and you can't be too hungover. We recommend heading out to one of the city's best brunches and going free flow.
Smoothies, juices, sportsdrinks, or good old water
Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. A Beijing hangover hydration favorite is pocari sweat which, regardless of its disgusting name, is good to replace all the minerals you lost while you were drunk. Otherwise stick to good old water, or if you do make it out of the house some of our favorite spots serve up good smoothies and juices (Element Fresh, Moka Bros, and Tribe come to mind).
Go for a swim or find some way to sweat it out
Going for a swim or sweating it out can be one of the best ways to get rid of your hangover. While the weather is still a little chilly, check out one of these hot springs. Those looking for something a little closer to home can get a one-day pass to a nice hotel pool. See this list for further reference. To get your sweat on in the gym, check out this list of some of Beijing's newest gyms.
Vitamin B12, apparently
B12 gives you energy, helps your body break down alcohol, and thus makes your hangover easier to deal with. Some people have even taken it so far that they're injecting themselves with it before a big night out (see this place in Vegas). In Beijing, find your vitamin B in supermarkets like Jenny Lou's and BHG.
Greasy or carby food
Getting your carb fix can help your hangover get better, and Beijing has no shortage of greasy carby food. To start off with, why not take a look at the cities top rates burgers and best pizzas, as decided by our readers?
Coffee or sleep
Sleeping it off is probably your safest choice if you don't have anywhere to be, otherwise, we recommend a high intake of caffeine to kickstart your day.
If you really want to know the secret to dealing with your hangover, it's to not drink at all. Or to stick to one drink. But we all know that's not going to happen.
More stories by this author here.
Email: margauxschreurs@truerun.com
Instagram: s.xuagram
Photos: youtube.com, herschelian.wordpress.com
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Submitted by Guest on Tue, 03/14/2017 - 14:25 Permalink
Re: 6 Ways to Beat a Beijing Hangover
Hah, well, by 4am most of us hardly notice the smog anymore!
Submitted by Guest on Mon, 03/13/2017 - 22:00 Permalink
Re: 6 Ways to Beat a Beijing Hangover
I like the first paragraph of this article. It captures all my best Beijing nights (and worst mornings) perfectly. But don't forget the soupy smog at the 4am baijiu on little plastic chairs. I think it amplifies the alcoholic high and subsequent hangover.
Submitted by Guest on Sun, 03/12/2017 - 12:29 Permalink
Re: 6 Ways to Beat a Beijing Hangover
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