Beijing Events

水码头 at Mao Live House

Sep 21 21:00 pm -
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The re-release of Water Pier has a special meaning for me. This is our first attempt at a dramatic adventure, it is because of this attempt, it completely inspired our way of stage creation, only later more mature "cloud difficult," "infinite island," "small source spring" and so on.
"Water Pier" can be regarded as the opening works of the trilogy of the Jingdezhen renaissance. But unlike the later works, it was less mature and even a little awkward. It's like the 20-year-old we all go through. At the age of 20, I don't have a lot of talent, no deeper understanding of art, just want to do something fun. Especially in the face of the unknown and questioning, no one knows whether it is right or wrong, it is just a very young and instinctive choice. And now, those instinctive choices have gradually become our firmness and persistence, and it is no longer clumsy, but very precious.
If you have seen our stage productions in recent years, "Water Pier" will be your happiest one. Or, if you've never seen one of our shows, you can start with this one and get to know us again. I think we might not be the best band you've ever seen, but hopefully one of the most interesting bands you've ever seen.


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