Beijing Events

Plunder? – Justin Jacobs Discusses His Book on How Museums Got Their Treasures, the Antiquities Trade and Theft, With Neil Schmid

Sep 25 20:30 pm - 21:30 pm
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Free for RASBJ members. RMB 50 for members of RAS branches in London, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Seoul. RMB 100 for non-members.

Author Justin M. Jacobs will talk with Dunhuang Academy scholar Neil Schmid about the widely accepted belief that much of Western museums’ treasures were acquired by imperialist plunder and theft. His account, published in a new book, Plunder?, reexamines the allegedly immoral provenance of Western collections, advocating for a more nuanced understanding of how artefacts reached Western shores. Jacobs will delve into the perspectives of Chinese, Egyptian, and other participants in the global antiquities trade over the past two and a half centuries, revealing the extent to which Western collectors were often embraced by locals. This collaborative dynamic, largely ignored by contemporary museum critics, unfolds a narrative of hope and promise for a more equitable future—a compelling reassessment of one of the institutional pillars of the Enlightenment.

Due to the speaker’s location, this event will take place later than usual: from 8.30-9.30PM Beijing Time
