Beijing Events

Easy Street Band Live: Mid-Autumn Holiday Party

Awaiting moderation
Sep 14 21:30 pm - 23:59 pm
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Easy Street is Beijing’s newest pop-rock band that specializes in a fun, laid-back style, performing fan-favorite songs you’ll be sure to sing along and dance to! The band is comprised of well-known musicians from the Beijing music scene, including vocalist Steven McKinney (Stevie Mac), keyboardist and vocalist Taylor Hartwell, drummer and vocalist Taylor Kelly, bass guitarist Timothy Chen, and lead guitarist Barry Allen. Together, they create a truly dynamic sound featuring unique four-part vocal harmonies. Easy Street has everything you want in an easy-listening party band - giving a one-of-a-kind performance you won’t want to miss!

Easy Street是北京最新的流行摇滚乐队,以轻松、有趣的演奏风格收到广大乐迷的喜欢,他们演奏的音乐都是乐迷们最喜闻乐见的乐曲,会让你跟着音乐一起唱和跳,嗨起来!乐队由来自北京音乐界的知名音乐家组成,包括主唱Steven McKinney、键盘手兼主唱Taylor Hartwell、鼓手兼主唱Taylor Kelly、低音吉他手 Timothy Chen和主音吉他手Barry Allen。他们共同创造出独特的四声部和声,一种真正的充满活力的、流动的声音。Easy Street拥有你所期待的所有派对乐队的轻松快乐,将给你带来一场不容错过的独特表演!


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