Beijing Events

Birding Excursion With Terry Townshend

Sep 28 5:30 am - 12:00 pm
Event QR Code
Guanting Reservoir
Cost is RMB 200 for members and RMB 300 for non-members. Children are welcome, at full price if they take a seat on the coach.

MORE ABOUT THE EVENT: Beijing is host to more birds than any other capital city during the seasonal migrations. RASBJ is very fortunate to offer a guided visit to the Guanting reservoir north of Beijing, led by Terry Townshend. Terry is Beijing's leading Western ornithologist and conservationist, and will introduce the general background of birding in China as well as provide expert commentary (including amusing anecdotes and factoids that will amaze as well as educate) about specific birds we will see – and he will help us see them!

The excursion will take just over six hours: 3 hours on-site at the reservoir, with 90 minutes ride each way on a private coach. The coach will leave at 5.30 am (sharp!) from a spot near Guloudajie subway station (Lines 2 & 8) and return there by 12.00 noon. Participants will be advised of the exact meeting location before the event date.

Walking may be rough but not arduous – we suggest you check the weather forecast and dress accordingly. Please bring your own refreshments, binoculars if you have them, and bird books.

At the request of Terry Townshend, CGTN will be filming this outing as part of a documentary on biodiversity in Beijing. Each registrant is required on the registration form to confirm explicitly "I consent to being filmed, interviewed and quoted by CGTN on this occasion".

The banner image was taken during RASBJ's Spring excursion to Shahe reservoir by RASBJ member Badr Mostafa.
