Beijing Events

Wind and Grass at Yue Space

Nov 30 20:00 pm - 23:30 pm
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You are one of a kind. At least none of humanity wants another." - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

This is one of his favorite quotes from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the manga that runs the Little Turtles label. Baa is an anime fan, so whether it is a performance theme or a performance poster, it will be related to his favorite comics, so the name of the label "Little Turtle" is no surprise.

The theme of the performance on November 30th is "Wind and Grass," which is a special performance jointly presented by "Little Turtle" and Beijing's new label "mu." We are also very honored to have invited three outstanding bands "Flying Champion," "Lost Wave" and "Tin Robot" for this performance.



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