Nov 23 21:00 pm - 23:30 pm
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Liu Kai, Lecturer, School of Music Education, Central Conservatory of Music, Young Jazz Keyboardist. Graduated from the Central Conservatory of Music and Music (CCOM) and the Geneva High School of Music (HEM). Studied piano, clavichord, harpsichord, and keyboardist with Michel Kiener, piano improvisation with David Marteau and obtained the HEM Highest Diploma in Piano Improvisation, and honed modern dance technique and improvisation with Emilio Artessero Quesada. Since 2016, he has been active in Beijing Jueshi music scene. His collaborations include: Gev Verbin, Laurent Maur, Emilie Calme, Wang Chenhuai, Gao Taihang, Roo, Wu Letian, Xing Yifan, Antonio Fusco
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