Beijing Events

Overlooking the Ming Tombs From Mount Mang

Awaiting moderation
Mar 2 7:30 am - 16:00 pm
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Mangshan, the highest peak is at 659 meters. According to the Ming Dynasty's selection of the Ming Tombs site, it was chosen by ancient people based on Feng Shui principles: left is the Azure Dragon, and right is the White Tiger. The left dragon refers to Mangshan, with its picturesque landscape and water, resembling an embracing posture, was chosen by Chongzhen emperor as the location for his tomb.

Although it is not extremely high, still requires a bit physical effort to climb up. There are multiple hiking trails to reach the summit where you can enjoy the view of the Ming Tombs if the air quality is high. Also you can see the reservoir of the Ming Tombs. The scenery is exceptionally beautiful. Meanwhile there is the largest artificial pool on the top. It is said that the gate can be opened to generate electricity in emergency. This is a spectacular experience.

Hike Information:

l Date: March 2nd (Saturday)

l Location: Changping

l Drive time: 1.2 hours each way

【The route type】Climbing up is the mountain route; Climbing down is friendly repaired steps.

【The route description】The mountain slopes are mostly on the sunny side and semi-sunny side with gradients around 30 degrees, relatively gentle in the slope. When we go down from the tourist place and the public road is steps. (Reference level 1.2)

l Distance: 8km

l Time to complete: 4-5hours

l Total ascent: 618m

l Total descent: 558m

l Peak: 641m

l Lowest point: 78m


1. Take at least 2 bottles of water.

2. Bring some lunch, and some snacks.

3. Hiking boots is recommended.

4. More details will be posted in the group before hiking.


07.30: Departure from Dongzhimen (line2 exit B)

08.45: Arrive the village, beginning of hike

16.00: Arrive back in Beijing

Activity Fee: 150RMB/person

Price includes:

1. Transportation (a vehicle with a driver)

2. Hiking Leaders: Lengzhi, Nuanyang

3. One day outdoor insurance.

4. Payment: After hiking, you can transfer to Mona.

Please note:

- Do not participate if you are sick or showing symptoms of ever or couching.

- Customer service: Mona (wechat id: mona_zhangli) If you have any suggestions orcomplaint, please feel free to leave messages.

- Photos will be used in the social media platform. If you don't want to show in the picture, let us know. Smile


1. You can cancel anytime till the deadline on Friday 18:00PM. As we have to fix capacties for the bus and the guides. After deadline, we will have charge you 80% activity fee. Or you find another person not yet registered to join the hike. If your cancellation is on Saturday morning, please pay 100% activity fee. We repect your choice. When you register for this activity, you accept this cancelation policy.

2. Bad weather plan:We will message you 1-2 days before the hike to let you know about theweather condition. If there is a thunderstorm, heavy rain or strongwinds it will be dangerous to do the hike in the high mountains. Sowe will cancel it or change the dates.

Join us:

Add mona_zhangli as your wechat, or scan the QR in below. I'll add you into HikersFamily group.

(Also, our Tengger Desert trekking is coming soon.)
